Official Old Mans Valley MTB Park - Hornsby

Riding OMV tomorrow morning from 10 ish for a few laps. I'm riding a black and blue stumpjumper FSR 29. If you see me say hi, always looking for new people to ride with.
Trail maintenance is on again today, 2pm onwards. It would be great to see some more people turn up to help out, grab a shovel some gloves and boots and come down. The north side needs some attention this time around.
^Sorry I couldn't help out this weekend.
Damn riding getting in the way :)

Just a heads up to anyone that is affected by smoke from bush fires, the Westleigh RFS are going to be doing some controlled burns in nearby bush lands.

For info on the burns check out their facebook page:
Trail maintenance is on again today, 2pm onwards. It would be great to see some more people turn up to help out, grab a shovel some gloves and boots and come down. The north side needs some attention this time around.

The arvo of trail maintenance was great - sorry I'm not sure if I met you on Saturday! I'll def be up for the next one too! The black run was looking well groomed when I had to leave!

For anyone who has ridden the trail you should give up a couple of hours of your time and come to a trail maintenance day! It does feel good to put something back into the trail! Plus it's a good workout! :)
The arvo of trail maintenance was great - sorry I'm not sure if I met you on Saturday! I'll def be up for the next one too! The black run was looking well groomed when I had to leave!

For anyone who has ridden the trail you should give up a couple of hours of your time and come to a trail maintenance day! It does feel good to put something back into the trail! Plus it's a good workout! :)

Not sure mate, I was working with Adam's group up behind the pool putting in a new drain and some armouring. I completely agree, I love the building almost as much as riding it. Great to hear some appreciation coming from the riders too.
Think I'm gonna head up there this weekend for a pedal. First time, heard it's a bit of fun.

Anyone heading out? :)
Daves abit crook .... But if he's there in the morning.... I will be too

esp since he offered me a test ride on his newly squired yeti asr :D

........right Dave?
Daves abit crook .... But if he's there in the morning.... I will be too

esp since he offered me a test ride on his newly squired yeti asr :D

........right Dave?

No good Dave! Haven't seen you in years dude!

Are we talking saturday or sunday?
No good Dave! Haven't seen you in years dude!

Are we talking saturday or sunday?

I came off my roadie at a bit over 40 klicks last Saturday so I need to heal up a bit before heading out. Perhaps I just need to harden up and get out there regardless.

I dont think Ive seen you since Nerf Herders death march through the mountains? Usually this would be an 8am Saturday ride, at this stage I have to say Im a definite maybe.
I came off my roadie at a bit over 40 klicks last Saturday so I need to heal up a bit before heading out. Perhaps I just need to harden up and get out there regardless.

I dont think Ive seen you since Nerf Herders death march through the mountains? Usually this would be an 8am Saturday ride, at this stage I have to say Im a definite maybe.

Oh man that sounds rough. Just some scratches or have you got worse damage?

Haha, oh wow, that was a ride. In tears remembering the 'ejector seat' moment.

Al has a photoshoot on saturday morning, so I think I'm going to go to that with him then we'll both hit up OMV in the afternoon. :cheer2:
Went out today with Al. Epic little trail, will return for sure.

Bit rough on the singlespeed but on the dually it was a blast!
As i was headed from the station to the trail on Thursday a dad with his kids bike asked where the Hornsby bike shop was so I pointed him in the right direction. Or on my way out did I see it was now a vacanct shop. It was useful and I had pleasant shopping there, have thu relocated locally or is it gone? 3 shops in a row were closed so I'm hoping it was redevelopment a they are still around the area
As i was headed from the station to the trail on Thursday a dad with his kids bike asked where the Hornsby bike shop was so I pointed him in the right direction. Or on my way out did I see it was now a vacanct shop. It was useful and I had pleasant shopping there, have thu relocated locally or is it gone? 3 shops in a row were closed so I'm hoping it was redevelopment a they are still around the area

Relocated. To an absolute dick of a place to get to in the industrial area. Went in there and they had just moved, had about 5 bikes on the floor with not much room to add more.
Ku-Ring-Gai Cycles still there i assume ? They had a lot of older bikes which were brand new, and about a billion on the floor to look at.
OMV (Hornsby) Volunteer Trailbuilding - Next Monthly Build Day Sept 7, 2013

Monthly trail maintenance of OMV.
The regular track maintenance session is happening on Saturday the 7th September @ 2pm. (always 1st Sat of the month)
It's also the general election day so recommend you get your vote in the morning if you intend on attending the trail session.

Again, a BIG thank you to those who volunteered and turned up on the last maintenance day. Once again we had 20 turn up and a lot was achieved. Well done!

Here is the programme for the day:

• Corral rocks to protect tree trunks and other plants
• Armouring to protect tree roots
• Work on the south side rock garden...
• and general track maintenance

As always make sure you wear sturdy shoes, gloves and a hat, and bring drinking water and a water proof jacket in case of rain plus sunscreen and mozzie stuff to slap on.
MEETING POINT: End of Quarry Road, Hornsby - Parking is well signposted, directing cars to park at the END of the road. If this is full, park in the Dural Street carpark.
We hope you can make it

Relocated. To an absolute dick of a place to get to in the industrial area. Went in there and they had just moved, had about 5 bikes on the floor with not much room to add more.
Ku-Ring-Gai Cycles still there i assume ? They had a lot of older bikes which were brand new, and about a billion on the floor to look at.

Kuring-gai cycles is still there. Same bloke still selling bikes and running the workshop. Can't say I understand the logic behind Hornsby cycles moving location, they said the rent was too high, but surely with a new MTB trail being opened right opposite your store the revenue would go up. They did make mention that online was going to be the way forward for them and selling high end road builds. They do a lot of workshop turnover with roadies, they were even next to a few coffee shops which the roadies seem to love hanging at. I reckon they could have tried and altelier de velo business model. Lounges, coffee, open workshop etc, now they have a tiny store in a dead end industrial street. next to no spares or components or bikes on display or for sale and a workshop the size of an office cubicle. Very strange business model!!!
Another 20 odd turned out in the warm weather, good to see all the old faces and some new ones.

Next time we have to work on the BBQ area (or pizza oven?) near the container. Already looking forward to next month.