Beards increase performance

Does being a lazy bastard that couldn't be stuffed shaving more than once a week therefore sporting a half grown beard most of the week class as a performance enhancing? ;) Probably not :(

This really depends what sort of performance we are talking about. In my experiences of having a beard it is girl repellent. They hate on it. Thus the only true measure of performance (ability to attract a significant other of the gender of my preference) that really matters is hindered. Not improved.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Sean Eadie FTW.
Coach said shave it off,it makes you less aero."Bullshit" he said and kept it, winning all the way.

Been bearded for 15 years now. My wife and her friend staying from London were discussing my beard/ beards in general/ virility/ ability to chop wood ( perhaps a euphemism?) over breakfast. They are both fans but have decided that handlebars are the next hipster, i'll stick with beard.

I googled handlebars not sure what they meant...

PS. see The Beards when they are in your town....great gig!
Hipster is an overall look. If you dress like a lumber jack with a massive beard and carry a chainsaw your not hipster.

Ever seen a lumberjack on a bicycle?

Been seen on a bike occasionally is a given for this forum. Bicycle plus beard = ?????
Beards are a mans way of silently lamenting the gradual disappearance of the Tasmanian Map.
Dissapearance of the Tasmanian map? I thought contact with that was how you got a beard! I thought beards were like some kind of rash that came from...
Dissapearance of the Tasmanian map? I thought contact with that was how you got a beard! I thought beards were like some kind of rash that came from...

Nope the deforestation on the Tasmanian map is the root cause of the rise of bearded morons.