Bruce Ridge ACT


I'll tells ya!
Staff member
I don't think PCS like doubles with gaps, do they?

I know I don't but that's only because I suck and have to B-line them most of the time.


Likes Dirt
I don't think PCS like doubles with gaps, do they?

I know I don't but that's only because I suck and have to B-line them most of the time.
When I say gap I mean a double that *can* be rolled but would suck to, as opposed to something that can't be rolled a la either the old jump before the road gap or the shitty one across the road towards the ANU.
PCL would likely be adverse to any further development even under the powerlines as they’ll want to keep trails in the reserve to a minimum. I agree that it is a low conservation value area and sometime in the future, in their wisdom, they will burn it as with other parts of Bruce Ridge. But they have many interest to manage and I feel for them. Keep in mind as well that what they perceive as risks are far different to that of the average mtber. Which is interesting as they have at times had mtbers in their ranks.

I think there is scope though for the drain around the pub run. I’ve always dreamed of using the gully just above as a bit of a wall ride run, I was going to do it at Maj but never got around to it.

But anyhow, I’m still waiting on the FoBR crew to engage here and let the broader community know what is going on.


Likes Dirt
I don't think PCS like doubles with gaps, do they?

I know I don't but that's only because I suck and have to B-line them most of the time.
Go ride Tuggers and you will have no problems with the gaps they are so well made. Best trails in Canberra. While you are there consider asking some of the trail builders to help you out at Bruce. They seem to have a great understanding of how to build trails.


I'll tells ya!
Staff member
Might have to make the journey down to Thuggers for a ride soon. Living close to BR and thus not so far from Stromlo it's not easy forcing yourself to branch out and ride different trails. Been here for over three years and still am yet to ride Kowen/Sparrow, Majura, etc. etc.
Might have to make the journey down to Thuggers for a ride soon. Living close to BR and thus not so far from Stromlo it's not easy forcing yourself to branch out and ride different trails. Been here for over three years and still am yet to ride Kowen/Sparrow, Majura, etc. etc.
Don't forget Jerra! Kowen is a bit hmmm flat, bumpy and boring but it does have its good moments and is improving as the trail builders find their groove. Sparrow is similar but slightly better. Majura is a classic and slowing coming back to its former glory.


Likes Dirt
Don't forget Jerra! Kowen is a bit hmmm flat, bumpy and boring but it does have its good moments and is improving as the trail builders find their groove. Sparrow is similar but slightly better. Majura is a classic and slowing coming back to its former glory.
I literally did not know until this afternoon that there are trails in Jerra. I'm going to make the trek as soon I unfuck my bike.


I'll tells ya!
Staff member
Believe it or not, some one has actually gone to the trouble of putting that log back in place.

The maturity level of some people on that ridge astounds me.

I stood there looking at it seriously considering pulling them out and throwing them way down the hill to make the point. But then I realised that I'd just be buying in to the childishness of it all.

Some cyclists are just very, very small people.


Likes Dirt
Not aware of the log you are speaking about and did not touch it.

Believe it or not many people don't agree with what you are doing there.


I'll tells ya!
Staff member
I think many people don't understand that PCS is in command, they choose which trails get closed down, not us.

Secondly, people need to act in an organised fashion. If they want the trails to be a particular way they have to get involved in the govt sanctioned program. How long do people think their access to the Ridge will remain if it's just a build-free-for-all?

Anyway, I don't give a fuck. I'm bowing out of this whole thing because the childishness and selfishness of people is just beyond me and I'm not interested in being dragged down by idiots. I'll turn up to build days to pay my way on the trails and that's it.

If it matters to people enough, then get involved and do something about it. But if people are only going to snipe from the sidelines and sabotage the work that is being done then they are the fucking problem and they will end up getting us ALL kicked off the ridge.

All yours children, have at it.


Likes Dirt
I think many people don't understand that PCS is in command, they choose which trails get closed down, not us.

Secondly, people need to act in an organised fashion. If they want the trails to be a particular way they have to get involved in the govt sanctioned program. How long do people think their access to the Ridge will remain if it's just a build-free-for-all?

Anyway, I don't give a fuck. I'm bowing out of this whole thing because the childishness and selfishness of people is just beyond me and I'm not interested in being dragged down by idiots. I'll turn up to build days to pay my way on the trails and that's it.

If it matters to people enough, then get involved and do something about it. But if people are only going to snipe from the sidelines and sabotage the work that is being done then they are the fucking problem and they will end up getting us ALL kicked off the ridge.

All yours children, have at it.
Dont let them bring you down
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No Skid Marks

Blue Mountain Bikes Brooklyn/Lahar/Kowa/PO1NT Raci
Anyway, I don't give a fuck. I'm bowing out of this whole thing because the childishness and selfishness of people is just beyond me and I'm not interested in being dragged down by idiots. I'll turn up to build days to pay my way on the trails and that's it.
Don't let a log become a straw. Lots of good being done at Bruce. Your input and diplomacy is appreciated Johnny.


Likes Dirt
PCL would likely be adverse to any further development even under the powerlines as they’ll want to keep trails in the reserve to a minimum. I agree that it is a low conservation value area and sometime in the future, in their wisdom, they will burn it as with other parts of Bruce Ridge. But they have many interest to manage and I feel for them. Keep in mind as well that what they perceive as risks are far different to that of the average mtber. Which is interesting as they have at times had mtbers in their ranks.
Only just saw this. The trail I was describing including number of corners etc is marked as "to be opened" on the agreed map: given the low conservation value and the fact that the highest risk trail has been closed, I would *hope* that they could see the value of having a higher-risk trail, particularly in a spot with good access for emergency services should the need arise. I hadn't realised there's a fence down the bottom, above and below the road, but that could be worked around - maybe have a loop going up the side for push runs etc?

In terms of broader community consultation, how would you like this to be achieved? Current avenues used by FoBR are:
  • Government (PCS)
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Farkin
  • The Berm
  • FoBR bulletin board
  • Build days
I would suggest PCS put a sign up at the trailhead except that, as far as I know, no one ever sees the trailhead (I didn't know it existed in my first year riding there). I am keen to hear what other avenues you would like used.

As an aside, I asked my friends on Facey what they want. All of that those who responded are the above-described "lycra crowd" (ranging from shitty newbies to consistent race winners) and they unanimously asked for *more* technical obstacles on the inner loop with a purpose, such as tight bends, off camber corners, step-ups and other challenges with slower B-lines. The only concern raised was that there were logs down for either a) no purpose, they were just there or b) short term measures to prevent erosion which have become long-term. The difficult rock gully on the calvary side was highlighted as something for more of, so it looks like we're all on the same team for the main part, it's just the specifics of where and how much that seem to be contentious.