Early retirement / FIRE

Canberra has some cool stuff and cycling culture but house prices there are through the roof.
Sis in law just sold a 3yr old 4 bdr mcmansion for high $800K and it's in one of those satellite suburbs in the middle of nowhere.
Also see comment above re being in your 20s.
When the sun goes down, everything closes
House prices are through the roof most places... Hobart depresses me.

Canberra has shaken some of its sleepiness in the last 5 years even, but the house are all pretty cheap and nasty and what there is to do is all very forced. And whenever there is something on half of Canberra turns up...

If you have a good job you enjoy and are sociable enough to survive off friends and riding you’ll be fine. It’s not particularly great though and the climate is brutal in winter and summer. And it you have hay fever forget it.
What are your current careers/work skills? Have you looked into regional areas that one of your skills are more in demand? Coming from Sydney to somewhere less busy will feel like a semi retirement even if you are working aimilar hours. Work/life balance in Sydney is typically fucked. You spend forever getting to and from work and then the weekend comes and you are stuck in traffic trying to get somewhere you want to be with everyone else trying to do the same.
Canberra is not for everyone and that's fine with me. Yeah the cold is evil but 20 years in I'm used to it.
Canberra is not for everyone and that's fine with me. Yeah the cold is evil but 20 years in I'm used to it.

And this is a tricky thing seeking advice on such things - everyone floats their boat differently. Perhaps I’d like Canberra better if I was less antisocial (massive hermit tendencies) and didn’t work in the public service which sucks the soul out of me (or worked for a government that valued the public service or understood that the environment is worth saving...) I’d have a different experience :)

Your mileage may vary.
I think you need to wake up to yourself, you spend so much time on here during week days not sure how you get anything done.

Except for that they work their arses off for a basic wage and don't spend their work time on the net and then tell people that they're under paid.

Lol. Never said I was under paid! Shits me how many public servants whinge about that one...

I do drive a computer with three monitors so can leave a window or three open in the background for amusing diversions during the day ;)
It most definitely does.

You moved to a place you hate purely for the money and perks from an employer you don’t even like.

@frenchman is quite literally planning the opposite.

Not here for the money or perks, came for a job I actively sought out for the work itself and some sense of achieving something useful for the planet. Have gotten a few wins on the board in that regard but it’s been harder than I’d hoped...

I’d have stayed in Melbourne and in consulting if I was chasing the cash...
Tassie is still cheap! I almost bought a house while on holiday just cause I would like to retire down there one day.
Perhaps I’d like Canberra better if I was less antisocial (massive hermit tendencies)

I've lived in 4 capital cities in the last 18 years, and have made more friends and been more social here in the last 5 years than any of the others.
Cant see how Canberra is the problem here...

Agree with others. May not be the best if you are an early 20'something looking to party every night of the week, but if you are raising a family and want to ride bikes this place is the shizz.
I've lived in 4 capital cities in the last 18 years, and have made more friends and been more social here in the last 5 years than any of the others.
Cant see how Canberra is the problem here...

Agree with others. May not be the best if you are an early 20'something looking to party every night of the week, but if you are raising a family and want to ride bikes this place is the shizz.

I’ve heard the family thing cited about Canberra a lot... Obviously this does nothing for me, but if kids and that whole trip is your thing than maybe it works? But you can raise kids and ride bikes anywhere really, I’m looking for a bit more than that from a place to call home.

For me it’s not home and has shown nothing in 6 years that would indicate it would ever be home. Again, your milage may vary...
I’ve heard the family thing cited about Canberra a lot... Obviously this does nothing for me, but if kids and that whole trip is your thing than maybe it works? But you can raise kids and ride bikes anywhere really, I’m looking for a bit more than that from a place to call home.

For me it’s not home and has shown nothing in 6 years that would indicate it would ever be home. Again, your milage may vary...
Thread isn't about you mate.
Anyway, not a Canberra is shit thread... Point is, everyone likes different things. If you can get work you like, it’s just a matter of deciding where you like it. And you’ll not know until you get there and have a poke around - your home will be obvious pretty quickly I think.

Hobart felt like home in three days when I lived there briefly for work and 6 years after coming back to Canberra it still does. Your place will tell you pretty quickly when you get there :)
Thread isn't about you mate.

No shit. Just making a point - you can’t reel off your own experience too much because it’s not likely to be relevant.

I think Canberra is a pointless pile of shit in the middle of nowhere with delusions of relevance, but I get that others like it. So it’s hard to recommend options to people to who never been there...