COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

Are you sorry?

"...We are deeply sorry..."

We? We? Is it beyond you to personalise and say "...I am sorry..."

You are a fuck. Wit.

It was a nonsense question. That's not seeking news or updates or clarification, it is just an attempt at clickbait quotes.
"People earning money in a family where someone has lost their job due to coronavirus, that's essential"...

Choked on that one. So basically any service/business/employed person is an essential service .... nek minit, chunts are doing whatever the fuck they want cause it's 'essential'
"but he gave us cash to blow!"

Would you do the job for the piss weak pay they get compared to being a CEO, or high level executive getting away with all sorts of crap without the public eye. Our politicians are just rejects of the business system who couldn't get anywhere..
Fair point, and probably the crux of the problem. Still trying to get the best for themselves, and an ego trip to boot
It was a nonsense question. That's not seeking news or updates or clarification, it is just an attempt at clickbait quotes.
No it wasn't. It personalised the heartbreak of someone trying access govt support & getting nowhere.

Scomo could have provided how they would improve things, instead he used the royal WE and waffled the fuck out of it.
Crazy. Every job is essential. How does it magically not spread through workplaces?

My cafe mate is doing the takeaway thing now. He also said that while he has to keep trading to not be fucked, he was ready to be fucked for the greater good, and not have it drag on to a slow death.
Fucken hard for the gang bang Friday night, sad face

Definitely an essential service, mental and pyshical health benefits taking pressure off the health system. Just use a santisier lube mix and youll be sweet. Clean up might be hard with out the TP though..
still continuing on abcnews live stream (not sure what the commercial networks are doing)