Little Things You Hate

Yeah I've had this account for 20 years or more, and I always do. It's just particularly persistent at the moment.
I must have been lucky, but I used to block and send to Phising they would come back twofold.

You can block words in 'settings'.

Being fire bombed by spammers in my email.

at least 10-25 a day in my ‘not so important stuff’ email account. I’ve been targeted before and they usually give up or their randomiser email spam/scam program runs its course after a few weeks but these bastards are relentless.

even blocking the email addresses doesn’t work as they use a different one every time or the ones they do re use Hotmail still allows them to come through but notifies they are in my blocked list. What da fuc?

So besides pissing Hotmail off is there anyway I can get rid of these ridiculous spammers ?

go easy I’m basically computer illiterate. Took my 3 years just to work out how to navigate RB! Admin changing the format threw me into a right tizzy!

I've had this in the last few weeks too; non-stop Bitcoin and Norton spam.

Other than reporting as 'phishing' which is a hotmail option, I don't know what else to do.

If I could block the words Bitcoin and Norton that would just about do it but I can't see that kind of option.

Me too! MTBD and Pushys just won't stop with their bull shit emails. Sale my arse you chode dicks!!! So many lies and dissapointments.
Ours will be locked up every night and have an indoor/outdoor lifestyle.. I know from having a cat growing up, they lose interest in hunting as they age..

Our cat was full crazy for climbing things when he was younger.

Now he prefers to sit inside and hogs the best places to sleep. Stays inside all night and prefers to push me off the bed. He won't die from stress or overwork.
Just choose your cat breed well, ours wants to be indoors almost all the time but has access to a deck & courtyard whenever she wants it...she doesn’t leap at all so never wanders:

That is a good looking cat. Our is very average.

Since the renovation started he has spent most mornings terrified under the bed surrounded by fine dust with 'I'm over this looks on his face'. Stay tough little soldier.

Same. Badly worded Norton and Bitcoin. Who falls for that shit??
I saw I doco on cyber crime and apparently all the crooks in Mumbai and elsewhere love Australians. Reckon we’re the stupidest lot out there and they get more hits with us than any other country.
I saw that one too and it was very interesting. I have had many calls from Bruce from Telstra with a very Punjabi accent. I love to waste their time.
I presently work in this area. Spam is ever evolving - there is no end game. Spam is generally short lived now in that campaigns from spammers run a few weeks at most. Old spam doesn't seem to pop up as regular as you would assume. Once most filters pick them up then Spammers make changes to try to avoid detection again. It is an arms race.

Gmail does a great job in filtering nasty emails. Kudos to those guys.

Telco filtering is very layered in that it looks at several characteristics of the message and how the email is put together - bulk spam engines do stick to common formats and text layouts. It is more about the structure of the message including source IP ranges, the domains used if they resolve correctly, the age of the domain, any Call to Action URL links in the message and where these links will point, obscured text with letter for number substitution, known text or phone numbers (not only the phone number itself but how is is laid out in the text). End user feedback is also very important particularly for false positive and false negative messages that may have classified wrong. Most filters are updated every 30 seconds or so with new variants of spam, malware or virii and push globally to slow any initial attacks.

These are some indicators that are used to give a confidence rating on the message and determine ultimately if the email MTA should drop or keep it or park it in a spam folder. It is pretty cool from a geeky perspective on how a bunch of different message characteristics and pooled together to get a verdict, well I think it is.

Jim Browning's channel is pretty entertaining. He does awesome work.
I saw that one too and it was very interesting. I have had many calls from Bruce from Telstra with a very Punjabi accent. I love to waste their time.
I presently work in this area. Spam is ever evolving - there is no end game. Spam is generally short lived now in that campaigns from spammers run a few weeks at most. Old spam doesn't seem to pop up as regular as you would assume. Once most filters pick them up then Spammers make changes to try to avoid detection again. It is an arms race.

Gmail does a great job in filtering nasty emails. Kudos to those guys.

Telco filtering is very layered in that it looks at several characteristics of the message and how the email is put together - bulk spam engines do stick to common formats and text layouts. It is more about the structure of the message including source IP ranges, the domains used if they resolve correctly, the age of the domain, any Call to Action URL links in the message and where these links will point, obscured text with letter for number substitution, known text or phone numbers (not only the phone number itself but how is is laid out in the text). End user feedback is also very important particularly for false positive and false negative messages that may have classified wrong. Most filters are updated every 30 seconds or so with new variants of spam, malware or virii and push globally to slow any initial attacks.

These are some indicators that are used to give a confidence rating on the message and determine ultimately if the email MTA should drop or keep it or park it in a spam folder. It is pretty cool from a geeky perspective on how a bunch of different message characteristics and pooled together to get a verdict, well I think it is.

Jim Browning's channel is pretty entertaining. He does awesome work.
What happens if I spam them back with gross porn ?
What happens if I spam them back with gross porn ?
Hmmm, I'll let you give that one a try. I do tell the scam callers that they are disrespecting their family and should use their new found skills to make their parents proud of them instead of devoting their lives to acquiring Google Play gift cards. We all know these scams now and it is over.

They haven't called me back for about 3 days now. I will have to wait till my details are sold onto another scamming company.
Now I'm lonely, oh well. Where is Bruce from Telstra when you need him.

You know immediately that it is scam when a phone company support desk actuallys calls you. Like that would ever happen in real life.
Hmmm, I'll let you give that one a try. I do tell the scam callers that they are disrespecting their family and should use their new found skills to make their parents proud of them instead of devoting their lives to acquiring Google Play gift cards. We all know these scams now and it is over.

They haven't called me back for about 3 days now. I will have to wait till my details are sold onto another scamming company.
Now I'm lonely, oh well. Where is Bruce from Telstra when you need him.

You know immediately that it is scam when a phone company support desk actuallys calls you. Like that would ever happen in real life.

I actually had a call yesterday (haven't had one for a while now) from Anglo Name in strong subcontinental accent , from "telstra technical department" calling me about my internet connection.
I said I was worried, what was wrong with my internet? followed by him burbling on from the script for a bit, then me getting quickly bored with his shit, wandering into a different room, and screaming into the receiver & promptly ending the call. :)

I'd still be into getting an aerosol air horn (and ear PPE) , but I'm concerned about damaging the microphone in the handset.
I said I was worried, what was wrong with my internet? followed by him burbling on from the script for a bit, then me getting quickly bored with his shit, wandering into a different room, and screaming into the receiver & promptly ending the call. :)

I like to drag it onto the part after the PC and has booted, you have installed Anydesk and they are after the Anydesk ID. I love to hang up half through quoting a random bunch of numbers. That always gets plenty of immediate callbacks.
I like to drag it onto the part after the PC and has booted, you have installed Anydesk and they are after the Anydesk ID. I love to hang up half through quoting a random bunch of numbers. That always gets plenty of immediate callbacks.
During the height of COVID work was quiet and I had one of these calls asking me type in stuff on my search bar for the pc, I went along with it pretending to do what he asked.He was not happy when we went through it all and asked what I could see on screen when I said it was a porn site he got angry and promptly hung whilst I had a giggle.
During the height of COVID work was quiet and I had one of these calls asking me type in stuff on my search bar for the pc, I went along with it pretending to do what he asked.He was not happy when we went through it all and asked what I could see on screen when I said it was a porn site he got angry and promptly hung whilst I had a giggle.

Ha, nice one. I find they get pissy when I say my computer is slow and I don't know how to work it and will need their help, 'Don't go away please, I need this fixed'. Take your time, do other stuff. A 3 minute reboot is fine while it powers up and tell them Windows 98 has started. Press wrong keys and make typos. It depends if you have the time to kill for this sort of free entertainment.