COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

FOR FUCKS SAKE VIC!!! Couldn't you have just kept lockdown going for a couple of days longer?!?! Just been informed that I'll be getting booted out of Howard Springs tomorrow which means I'll have to go to work instead of lounging around in the sun, watching the Olympics and playing video games. I just ordered a shitload of groceries too

Don't worry, stick it all on a caravan and head up to metro Sydney.
You can park it in my driveway and I think you will be good for being an isolated outcast until November. One of us, one of us................
Well...what do people think my chance of making it into Victoria from Newcastle are on 20/8?

Wait, what?

I'm sure I heard someone rabbiting on, that NSW had the best contact tracing anywhere on earth.........

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Tracing good, common sense...not so good. Also the rules only apply to other people.

Includes a fellow now caught twice trying to screw up my slush lust!
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Well...what do people think my chance of making it into Victoria from Newcastle are on 20/8?
You are in for sure. Start packing ......

Earkin dictator Dan now has stipulated you have to get a negative Covid test every 3 days while at the snow.
Mt Beauty, Bright , all booked out .
I even sent Dan an email explaining what a stupid idea it is.
Lazy farckers in Wodonga were too busy to do mine today and hows this, Vic wont accept NSW tests so cant have it done in Albury.
Idiots have taken over the asylum.
IMO get fully vaccinated and let it rip from the 1st Jan 2022, anyone not vaccinated can die , totally tired of govt bullshit.
Yes I reviewed the Vic gov site earlier and it was almost all just words...endless words without a clear "fuck off we're closed!" I am fairly sure I won't be making the journey, but I can dream.
Earkin dictator Dan now has stipulated you have to get a negative Covid test every 3 days while at the snow.
Mt Beauty, Bright , all booked out .
I even sent Dan an email explaining what a stupid idea it is.
Lazy farckers in Wodonga were too busy to do mine today and hows this, Vic wont accept NSW tests so cant have it done in Albury.
Idiots have taken over the asylum.
IMO get fully vaccinated and let it rip from the 1st Jan 2022, anyone not vaccinated can die , totally tired of govt bullshit.
Ok Karen
This just blows my mind. After those removalists who were only fined $200 fucking dollars mind you!!!! managed to lock down an entire state, put several people in hospital, cause untold loss of income to many of us let alone the mental toll on us and our children we have thousands of truck drivers crossing the border everyday refusing to get tested and skirting the permit laws because it takes too long to line up and their nostrils get chaffed. Just beggars belief.
Vic gov is to blame as well of course for allowing it to happen. But fuck me!! Mind blown.
This just blows my mind. After those removalists who were only fined $200 fucking dollars mind you!!!! managed to lock down an entire state, put several people in hospital, cause untold loss of income to many of us let alone the mental toll on us and our children we have thousands of truck drivers crossing the border everyday refusing to get tested and skirting the permit laws because it takes too long to line up and their nostrils get chaffed. Just beggars belief.
Vic gov is to blame as well of course for allowing it to happen. But fuck me!! Mind blown.

Besides not wearing a mask, which they have been fined for, what did the removalists actually do that was against the rules?
This just blows my mind. After those removalists who were only fined $200 fucking dollars mind you!!!! managed to lock down an entire state, put several people in hospital, cause untold loss of income to many of us let alone the mental toll on us and our children we have thousands of truck drivers crossing the border everyday refusing to get tested and skirting the permit laws because it takes too long to line up and their nostrils get chaffed. Just beggars belief.
Vic gov is to blame as well of course for allowing it to happen. But fuck me!! Mind blown.

I don't blame them. I'd avoid stopping for the authorities too if my cab was full of of strangled vagrants and sex workers.
Besides not wearing a mask, which they have been fined for, what did the removalists actually do that was against the rules?

It was widely reported that they were being less than helpful with the authorities at first and it took a few days to get a full picture of their movements. That said there's also a lot of anecdotal evidence (i.e 'gossip') that they may have been up to no good and transporting a bit more than just furniture, in which case a $200 fine is definitely out of whack OR they've turned snitch.
Yes.... Not being a smart ass but it sounds like there was actually nothing else they could officially be pinned with.
Off the top of my head. They traveled in two trucks not the one they were permitted to. They didn’t wear masks as already mentioned. They stopped at a bunch of road houses and mingled. They had showers. They bullshitted non stop to the authorities and possibly allowed this thing to spread further by mis informing them. They lied at every turn. Maybe there’s nothing more they can be fined for I dunno but a couple from nsw got fined several thousands for sneaking into SA. I’m guessing you’re not in Melbourne and therefore can’t understand the anger we have towards those pricks for putting us unnecessarily in this position.
Oh. And they brought the fucking virus here and through their irresponsible behaviour gave it to us.
Besides not wearing a mask, which they have been fined for, what did the removalists actually do that was against the rules?
probably nothing, which is why they only got fined 200 bucks. as Dan said, being uncooperative in certain scenarios isnt an offence.

even if they followed all the rules, there's no guarantee vic would have been spared or that the spread would have been lower. I mean one of the guys in the original apartment complex spread it unwittingly to tonnes of people. SO they could have followed ALL the rules and just a coincidental fleeting exposure could have resulted in the same outcome.

One of my friends works with the data daily. heres an early map of the transmission.
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Off the top of my head. They traveled in two trucks not the one they were permitted to. They didn’t wear masks as already mentioned. They stopped at a bunch of road houses and mingled. They had showers. They bullshitted non stop to the authorities and possibly allowed this thing to spread further by mis informing them. They lied at every turn. Maybe there’s nothing more they can be fined for I dunno but a couple from nsw got fined several thousands for sneaking into SA. I’m guessing you’re not in Melbourne and therefore can’t understand the anger we have towards those pricks for putting us unnecessarily in this position.
Oh. And they brought the fucking virus here and through their irresponsible behaviour gave it to us.
Unfortunately I suspect a significant part of the problem would be that they had a permit from NSW which they were breaching. I guarantee they pinned everything on them they could but it would be hard for Vic to prosecute for breaching a NSW permit. Now the NSW gov could bit they are spineless weasels so probably took campaign contributions from the company.