COVID-19: who’s going full doomsday prep on this?

No. You've misread. They aren't increasing the risk of the disease itself. They are increasing the risk profile of every day activities. Ie going ro work, shopping, using PT etc by eroding the protections in place to prevent spread.

PINTofstella has it.
No misreading.
The protections you say are being eroded were brought in by the Government. So in effect, you just disagree with them changing their policies. I agree they are removing some of the 'protections' which makes things riskier.

I also agree that @PINT of Stella. mate! is right, in that the initial lockdown policies have flown on effects to industry and these need to be taken into account. Although by all reports it would have been worse had they done nothing at all.

Disagree with policy choices if you want. But saying the Government is making it riskier... Sure, riskier in relative terms to the restricted world that noone wants to live in forever. But not in absolute terms.
No misreading.
The protections you say are being eroded were brought in by the Government. So in effect, you just disagree with them changing their policies. I agree they are removing some of the 'protections' which makes things riskier.

I also agree that @PINT of Stella. mate! is right, in that the initial lockdown policies have flown on effects to industry and these need to be taken into account. Although by all reports it would have been worse had they done nothing at all.

Disagree with policy choices if you want. But saying the Government is making it riskier... Sure, riskier in relative terms to the restricted world that noone wants to live in forever. But not in absolute terms.
So letting close contacts of confirmed cases (remember they changed the definition to people who live with a positive case or are in a home like environment) out to work on day one with out any validation of the required RAT , or anyway to police the further four RATS (while there are no RATS),no way to police the required mask wearing for the following 5 days or preventing them from accessing shared work facilities or validating whether the person is truly asymptomatic or not is NOT making it riskier for anyone they come in contact with let alone their work mates?

Ok, Silly me.

And the time the govt decided to change iso from 10 days to 7 but required a negative test on day 6, but then "said, nah we trust ya, we couldn't source any rats anyway" 20hrs later is not making it riskier?

Silly me again.

The time they had omicron starting to spread and instead of limiting by closing borders said "we all deserve a break" and let it rip over christams and NY and went from a couple thousand cases active nationally to over 200k in vic alone? And nationally it's now considdered uncontrolled spread?

Haha what was I thinking? They're doing great :) not eroding our safety at all.
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Haha what was I thinking? They're doing great :)
Sure dude. Whatever. Have your rant.

It's pretty funny how everyone has a problem with non-immunologists giving everyone their vaccine advice, but no-one seems to have a problem hacking their way through public policy decisions.

If you've got better public policy ideas, let's hear em. Shit... run for parliament.

Here's my reaction rant. I like an analogy, so how's this...
Volvo notices that car accidents are getting more serious. So it introduces a new safety feature into its cars. Any time they detect another car within 20m the car slows down to 20kph, and then if the other car gets close enough it stops.
New car has near-zero accidents.
(Unfortunately it's now next to useless as a means of transportation unless you don't need to get around anywhere there are other people.)
Volvo decides to remove the safety feature.
Car accidents increase.
A bunch of people crack the shits about Volvo making driving more risky! How could they!
Sure dude. Whatever. Have your rant.

It's pretty funny how everyone has a problem with non-immunologists giving everyone their vaccine advice, but no-one seems to have a problem hacking their way through public policy decisions.

If you've got better public policy ideas, let's hear em. Shit... run for parliament.

Here's my reaction rant. I like an analogy, so how's this...
Volvo notices that car accidents are getting more serious. So it introduces a new safety feature into its cars. Any time they detect another car within 20m the car slows down to 20kph, and then if the other car gets close enough it stops.
New car has near-zero accidents.
(Unfortunately it's now next to useless as a means of transportation unless you don't need to get around anywhere there are other people.)
Volvo decides to remove the safety feature.
Car accidents increase.
A bunch of people crack the shits about Volvo making driving more risky! How could they!
Your analogy is terrible. Why do people always choose cars?

You are aware that the government openly started picking and choosing medical advice instead of listening and applying it in full just before this shit hit the fan, right?

There were all sorts of medical professionals including virologists telling the govt "if you do this it will be bad" and the govt responded "so how does Tuesday sound?".

Yes the policies are stupid, because we have stupid leaders. That's not an opinion, but a matter of fact.

Data already show let it rip is worse than lock downs for the economy. So this whole approach is just a cock-up, plain and simple. Again, not an opinion.
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Because the Government is weighing up more than just a single issue before making decisions that affect the entire country. As they should!
Thanks for the expert advice virologists. We'll add it to the pile of advice we get from all of our experts and try to make the best decision we can for the country as a whole. K. Bye.
I'm sure it's all really simple to get it right.

But sure, let's boil it all down to ScoMo et al are stupid.
Because the Government is weighing up more than just a single issue before making decisions that affect the entire country. As they should!
Thanks for the expert advice virologists. We'll add it to the pile of advice we get from all of our experts and try to make the best decision we can for the country as a whole. K. Bye.
I'm sure it's all really simple to get it right.

But sure, let's boil it all down to ScoMo et al are stupid.
And yet the data shows its been worse than locking us down. Ta da. Go figure

There's a link to it in this thread somone posted. Have a read. again, not a matter of opinion.
And yet the data shows its been worse than locking us down. Ta da. Go figure

There's a link to it in this thread somone posted. Have a read. again, not a matter of opinion.
Again. Yeah, it's all so simple to run a country isn't it. Just read the reports written in the future criticising your decisions and make better ones.

Don't forget scomo is locally and internationally considdered stupid. The evidence suggests this is true
Everyone has their opinion and it is easier to shoot people for their personal choice. I prefer a constructive discourse. These times have made some people from all view points a bit crazy. Anyway...

Thought I would highlight my not so good experience with 1x Pfizer = adverse reaction. Putting me in ED overnight with chest pains and shortness of breath Diagnosed with costochondritis. 2 weeks off work and 6 weeks of no exercise at all.

A number of GP visits, meds and 2x cardiologist visits put me a good $1000 out of pocket. Both CD & GP on the record told I can get AZ. Off the record GP said 2nd dose would mostly likely be dangerous for me, seeing as the worst reactions are after the 2nd.

Again being 30yr old fit young and healthy I know I am from the only one experiences adverse events. Thankfully mine was not all that bad.

For myself abstaining from the 2nd is in my best interest until a better option like Novavax is available.
What your GP "said off the record" sounds strange, as I was told on the record by a head of department at the Alfred hospital, was that the 2nd dose was smaller than the first, so any side effects should be fewer and less severe.

I can fully understand from your personal experience that a 2nd dose Pfffiiiiizzerr doesn't sound very appealing at all.
Went to Woolworth today to grab stock for work. Place was packed full of stuff!!! O didn't have time to scope the toilet paper though.

Suck shit #NOVAXJOKE : Fark off back to your tax haven in Monaco. Lying on a visa application is a really stupid thing to do.
This is too funny. Such shit indeed for all involved.
Now if I was Djokovic I would hideout in a cash in hand Kitchen job then sneak into the open as a deliveroo driver.

The odds must be a million to one he will win the open by now.
I ride my skateboard more than my bike these days :behindsofa: My local skatepark's the one where Poods ate shit on those dirt jumps last year.

Seems we're starting to see supermarket shortages in WA, there was no chickpeas at Aldi and no beans at all at my local Coles the other evening. Luckily I had a couple of random cans in the pantry.
Good piece from Laura Tingle that summarises the current ineptitude of our government.

"The disconnect between the lived experience of most ordinary people and the pronouncements of government only seems to grow. "