Recent content by flange

  1. F

    Quick Question

    Hey, I have a 2004 kona stinky, and i was wondering if you move the clamps up, so theyreach the MAX sticker on the forks, will this make the geometry slacker and better for DH? OR, will it just screw with the geometry? Any help is greatly appreciated, sam.
  2. F

    !!!URGENT!!! Hombre set up !!!URGENT!!!

    Hey guys,. a just bought a diatech hombre u brake as can be seen here(it's the gold one) but since recieving it, i have no idea how to put it on, im used to brakes like evolvers with a staddle cable but this doesnt seem to use one:confused: it lookslike the cable goes through one arm and i...
  3. F

    Rethreading juicy lever

    DONE! thanks guys, I used the method of putting the bolt into a vice and just filing it. It now works perfectly.
  4. F

    Rethreading juicy lever

    Ok thanks for that, i understand now, what would be te best way to go about grinding it of (considering I dont have all the tools), fileing sp? it down?.
  5. F

    Rethreading juicy lever

    Which bolt are we talking about?, the new one? and if so why?
  6. F

    Rethreading juicy lever

    ok here is the pic, i put an old, stipped avid bot in there for camparison.
  7. F

    Rethreading juicy lever

    Thats exactly what is happening, problem is that i only have a rear juicy, so dont have the other bolt to see if its the bolt or lever screwing up if you get what i mean.
  8. F

    Rethreading juicy lever

    Yes its the clamp that tightens the bar. I've tried both ways and it still doesnt work, but what gets me is that there is still thread in both sides, i screw it in the whole way, it gets to the end but just stops, this could (most likely) be a problem that i forgot to put in the first post...
  9. F

    Rethreading juicy lever

    Well it seems i have threaded my juicy lever (I presume, i have been putting the bolt in and tightening it and the lever just doesn't clamp on) So i was wondering how to rethread things, or would it be to risky for someone who has never done it before? any help is appreciated. thanks.
  10. F

    Simano lever on hayes brake?

    hey, I have a hayes nine brake, i think it works fine, but my only problem is that i dont like the sort of rounded lever feel of it. I have a spare shimano lever (just the blade, not the bit with the fluid in it) and love the feel of it. i was wondering if you could put the shimano lever...
  11. F

    Imperial iGrip

    Hey, I have searched but couldn't find anything. Im interested in buying the imperial igrip from Downhill Direct for $30 - i am just wondering if anyone has any experience with these? Any opinions on them? cheers.
  12. F

    Pike vs. Sherman vs. z1

    So are the z1 fr3 still a good option, as there is a someone who is selling some near me, do people think $300 is a good price for them, or would it be worth holding out for pikes or z1 fr2?
  13. F

    Pike vs. Sherman vs. z1

    Hey, I am in the market for a new fork, and was wondering which would be the best choice (I know it all comes down to personal preference but just want to hear your ideas anyway). I have a hardtail and do downhill, some street and dirtjumps but mainly leaning towards the downhill side of...
  14. F

    Sealed or unsealed pedals???

    hey, im in the market for some new pedals and i was wondering whether it is worth the extra for sealed pedals. What advanteges do they have over the unsealed, do you think it is worth paying the extra?.
  15. F

    Flat pedals - which would you choose...

    Do bmx pedals fit into mountian bike cranks? Because i once tried putting some mountain bike pedals into my bmx and they didnt fit?