Recent content by MikeyH

  1. M

    Shut up Legs!

    Its interesting you should mention HR here because this is what frustrated me most riding home from work yesterday. Rode to work (40kms) HR avg 155. Rode home from work, pushing pretty hard to try and beat sunset, and avg HR 160, but after about 50mins - boom! Legs packed up and I watched my HR...
  2. M

    Shut up Legs!

    Classic Jens!
  3. M

    Shut up Legs!

    This makes a lot of sense. I haven't thought too much into eating during a ride (or even pre-ride). I always carry an emergency gel or so, but with the longer hours and more consistent output of a road ride, perhaps I need to have a more structured eating approach. It also allows me to nicely...
  4. M

    Shut up Legs!

    I have been riding mt bikes for a few years now and raced in lots of different formats. I have recently bought a road bike for training, and have noticed that after a few hours of pedalling, my legs just seem to lock up and give out... This is not something I've ever experienced in any mt bike...
  5. M

    The Mont24 Hr - 2011, Mt Kowan

    Anyone know if the are any live results I can access? Can't seem to find anything on the event website...
  6. M

    3 Ring Circus entires open

    Can't wait. Should be a good warm up for the Fling!
  7. M

    Paterson Kona 24 Hour - May 21/22, 2011.

    To say I am excited about a 24hr race so close to Newy is an understatement! Can't wait!
  8. M

    What saddle do you swear by?

    I bought a selle italia SLR a few months ago after hearing all the reviews on here. In that time I've done around 1500kms of mainly offroad riding and I couldn't be happier. I love it, and will be buying another when this one packs it in!
  9. M

    50k Nutrition Plan

    I've been playing around with nutrition/hydration lately on longer rides, and did 70kms on saturday with 2.5L HEED, 750mL Perpetuem, 1 gel. Ride was 3.5hrs and I didn't feel dehydrated or lacking of energy.... (or more than usual!!)
  10. M

    just would like to know

    I'm a recent convert to lycra after a couple of years riding. As soon as I started racing for long periods in the saddle, I made the switch. Reasons? No loose clothing flapping/catching, more breathable I felt, and (I know it sounds weird) - just felt 'lighter' and 'more free' on the bike.:)
  11. M

    Good lighting

    I've got the Ay-ups. Had them for a year and they get used every week. I've had no issues, and although some mates have brighter lights, they are always having battery issues whereas with the ay-ups I never have this problem. I think the value is in the battery with the ay-ups. I personally...
  12. M

    Charlottes Pass to Kosi

    Sounds like it would be great fun, but I would be careful with how much snow there might be! Though this is one of the worst seasons on record so far, I have seen pictures of Kosci in November with people still skiing, and I have spent time out on the main range in late october skiing also... So...