Recent content by STPryde

  1. STPryde

    Cracks in my DJ's

    just fill the cracks with wet dirt, wet it down and treat it as if it was a new jump (carpet + water etc).
  2. STPryde


    Sorry man, reach for the kleenex, its in brisbane. Im sure they'd be doing more shows though, seems like a waste to fly a line up like that over to aus for one thursday night gig.
  3. STPryde

    Cracks in my DJ's

    The reason dirt (mainly clay) cracks is because, as it hardens, water evaporates out of the outer layer, causing it to contract. The inner part of the jump however doesnt get sunlight, so the only way water can escape is out through the outer layers (very slow). So the outer layer drys and...
  4. STPryde


    Anyone else going to see Excision, Coki and Loefah at Empire this thurs? 3 international dubstep names in one night, its going to be off chops.
  5. STPryde

    What are you listening to NOW?

    3 Tage Wach (Deadmau5 Mix) - Lutzenkirchen Deadmau5 is just the man, anything he touches is pure gold. Woo stereosonic.
  6. STPryde

    Rohans 2009 thread.... merry christmas :) no new pics

    Nitrous is the bomb, screw breaking bones though... Whippets FTW! :p
  7. STPryde

    Sesh at mack trails

    Hey nice looking jumps, mind if me and ro come have a ride sometime? :) By the way if we get a few more hands metropol should be up and running by this weekend so i figure a celebratory jam sesh is in order :D
  8. STPryde

    Metropol (Whites Hill) DJ Rebuild

    Yes, how many other well maintained, decent sized sets are there in brissy... very very few. Well today 3 of us went down to ye old metropol for our "dig jam" armed to the teeth with shovels, picks, rakes and a big dirty barrow. Sadly, but not suprisingly, we were the only ones. :rolleyes...
  9. STPryde

    Metropol (Whites Hill) DJ Rebuild

    Read first post :rolleyes: Digging this sat 10am
  10. STPryde

    Metropol (Whites Hill) DJ Rebuild

    Yea we went down today armed with picks, shovels, rakes and a bone to pick with mother nature. We grossly overestimated how much thick nasty grass 2 people could clear in a few hours. It was just wayyy too hot and humid to spend a whole day down there, but this is what we got done. Before...
  11. STPryde

    Metropol (Whites Hill) DJ Rebuild

    Hello all, some may remember the thread we created a few months ago about the publicity our secret little jumps got from the local newspaper. If not here is the link We feared the council were going to knock them down...
  12. STPryde

    One for the Graf/Stencil/street artists.... Apparently we're up to post #623 now

    As i said above, i don't bother going through and putting in bridges etc on the designs, i just print it off then mark out where they're going to go. I can assure you they all work quite well. I print out designs on paper, make asjustments with fine point permanent marker then tape an...
  13. STPryde

    One for the Graf/Stencil/street artists.... Apparently we're up to post #623 now

    Thought i'd post a couple of stencil designs i've made lately, any feedback is welcome. The rave trooper :D Rage Against The Machine quote Calvin Harris... need i say more? (I made this one as a 2 part stencil so i can give him funky coloured glasses :p) A topless DJ...
  14. STPryde

    Just one

    Euro tabo's, 2nd day trying them, i think i got the motion down pretty well just need to tuck my knee's in more. Any tips? C&c? pic was actually rather good quality, but turned out shit when i compressed it...:(
  15. STPryde

    Gold Coast DJ's - Cancelled this weekend.

    Yea 4shizzle, there's 3 of us that are keen to come sample some more gold coast ridables. We've havent really riden any good DJ's up that way, Exit 69 was in a sad state, and a few other places including coomera were washed out last time. Unfortunately... i'm the one with the automobile and...