2009 NSW Interschools Thredbo **1300+ Photos, All galleries now online!**


Likes Dirt
Thought I'd jump on the Interschools photo thread bandwagon!

UPDATE: All galleries are now online! Head to www.archellphoto.com and click on the online store link to check them out
Oh and for those that were wondering - 'Archell' is pronounced Ah-'kel (as in R.Kell... it's a phonetic transcription of my initial and surname) So now you know! ;)

I have a very busy schedule (also getting all my wisdom teeth ripped out on Wednesday..awesome..) so if all goes according to plan I will have at least some of the galleries uploaded to my website this week.

In the meantime, here's a couple of teaser shots



(Please no requests in this thread - I may add a couple more lower-res random watermarked shots from the DH, 4X or XC.. these will be strictly limited as I am still sorting through the rest of the images from the weekend.)

P.S. There will be a gap in photos from Saturday morning DH Practice. I was assisting with getting Jacob (the poor pinner that broke his hip off the fire road) down off the mountain. Get well soon lad!


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P.S. There will be a gap in photos from Saturday morning DH Practice. I was assisting with getting Jacob (the poor pinner that broke his hip off the fire road) down off the mountain. Get well soon lad!
From what I have heard from my mates he has actually broke his pelvis in three places!

Of the bike for a 12 months plus and on hell of a tacoed rim!

Here is my request for photos:

Number: 3025

  • Friday Practice: black/white Fox pants and Aussie top or blue and white jacket
  • Saturday Practice: Same as above.
  • DH Race-Run: black/white Fox pants with green/white Fox Jersey with Aussie top over it.
Bike/Colour: Norco Six Three 07/Gun Metal Grey

Ty. ;)
hay do u have any photos of

number 2026

wearing on friday black and white fox kit with t.h.e zebra helment and on saturday army blue troy lee kit with t.h.e helment

bike mongoose ecd 08 grey/black

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From what I have heard from my mates he has actually broke his pelvis in three places!

Of the bike for a 12 months plus and on hell of a tacoed rim!

That sucks, I did hear later that afternoon that his pelvis was broken in a couple of places... 12 months off the bike is a bit of a killer.. but it could've been a lot worse!

Hey Ty you're the lad that spotted my girlfriend in the red hoody down the track from me after snakes & ladders right?

P.S. Just so everyone knows, I'm smashing some FTP uploads for Friday's DH pics right now.
Galleries will be split into Friday DH, 4X, Saturday DH and Sunday XC - each will only go online when all photos are uploaded so you're not viewing annoying incomplete galleries.
Thanks for your patience guys (and girls)!
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Not one shot of me?

I must have been too quick to shoot haha

Hopefully you got one of me on saturday...

All those shots look great! Well done.
Friday's downhill practice and 4X racing galleries are now both online!

Saturday DH and Sunday XC galleries are not far behind.

Head to www.archellphotostore.com to see the shots uploaded so far.



YOUR A LEGEND! seriously

you got quite a few shots of me and ther all bloody sick! thanks heaps

now i just have to buy a few...
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