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Righto Guys... Information you have been waiting for

There will be updates as more information comes available...


Access to the start of the track is via the bitumen Mt Stuart Road (shuttle Rd).

As for the details of the 2010 Queensland State Championships, it’s Queensland’s biggest race for Downhill Mountain Biking. Riders come from all over Queensland to try and claim the title of the 2010 QLD State Champ. This is the first time the Townsville Rockwheelers have been successful in winning the bid to hold the 2010 Champs. The race will bring around 150 competitors aging from 12 all the way through to 50, with the elite guys reaching speed of 60+kph in some sections. Yes there will be some decent crashes. – Spectators love to see that in any sport, keeps things interesting.

The Track has a few sections that will keep the crowd interested throughout the day.

The Mount Stuart course is approximately 2.8km in length, and it is expected that most riders would complete the course in approximately 6 minutes (dependent on skills and ability). To facilitate safe and rewarding access, as previously mentioned, we have taken the opportunity to mark out the seven most exciting parts of the course for riders and spectators alike

These points are as follows (start to finish):

1. The stairway to airway – Riders travel at high speed over a variety of stairs and then launch a jump through the fork of a tree.

2. Sneaky’s - A steep, tight, slippery section that challenges competitors technical abilities. It finishes with a high speed chute and jump.

3. Ski Ramp - The fastest part of the course. Riders can expect speeds of up to 60km/h before jumping the ski ramp jump.

4. Fast berm, jump, descent and 200m flat out peddle section to test competitor’s stamina.

5. The gauntlet - Riders will fight for traction whilst building speed throughout the steep, rocky, dusty chute.

6. The Bucking Bull- The biggest jump on the track. Big air combined with fast and exciting riding. (Don’t mess this one up)

7. The End - The end section has a range of technical, speed, jumps and berms designed to test fatigued riders.

8. Easy access to the track for spectators to watch the riders in action, so bring your friends.

Some overall statistics:

Start elevation: 395m
Finish elevation: 100m
Course: 2.8km in length
Average decent: 1m in 9.5m


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Awesome. Can we have this the consilidated thread from now on? I've been waiting for an official announcement like this for a while as no one seemed to know much other than "it's definitely happening".

While I'm here, I'll start off with the questions.

Who from Brisbane is heading up? I'm going up with 2 other mates who are racing (one is driving up with the bikes) and then 4 other mates who are coming for fun.

Where is the recommended spot to stay in town. ie. What places have people picked out and what is likely to be bike friendly? I've got friends and relatives in T'ville (dad grew up there) but there's obviously far too many of us to be able to stay :p

Where are the after-race congregations likely to be? We're going to be up from the Thurs til the Tues so we're all going to be having a big night on the Sunday post race.

Is anyone else bringing Vuvuzelas to troll with :D ?


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Where is the recommended spot to stay in town. ie. What places have people picked out and what is likely to be bike friendly?
As for Accommodation. The Raintree Motel – 12 Bowen Road, Rosslea (07) 47 75 30 66
They took most of the guys last year. They are in between the Track and City, also within 5mins walk you can get a great feed...

Where are the after-race congregations likely to be?
As for the After Party. “Upstairs at Molly Malone’s”. Huge feed and cheap drinks. Also on the Night Club strip. Ask Haydo!!!

If your also coming up to make a few days of it.. There is also a DJ and Skate Park within 5mins ride from Raintree Motel.
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Where are the after-race congregations likely to be?

As for the After Party. “Upstairs at Molly Malone’s”. Huge feed and cheap drinks. Also on the Night Club strip. Ask Haydo!!!
We have upstairs at Molly's booked out. Molly's is a cool Irish Pub at the top of the Club strip.
Massive/cheap feed (try the crumb steak - HUGE!! and i think its $9) and cheap jugs of beer.


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We have upstairs at Molly's booked out. Molly's is a cool Irish Pub at the top of the Club strip.
Massive/cheap feed (try the crumb steak - HUGE!! and i think its $9) and cheap jugs of beer.
Spent my whole DH career racing with an hangover[maybe thats why I never got anywhere]Had fun but!


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The after party will be the best bit. Racing should be ok too I guess. Taking Monday off this year so I don't have to get up at 7 after getting home at 4 blind as fuck to drive 8hrs home to start work at 5.

I've stayed in a few places around the place in the past. The Big 4 cabin and camp place thingy behind the Mobil is good and would be my first choice, best to pre book though. I think I booked a room at the Raintree last year but when I got there they didn't have the room ready and was a little bit scummy. So I got my money back and found another place up the road for $20 cheaper, they had a room ready to go and it was alot nicer. Monty Carlos or something along those lines it was called if I remember correct.

Vuvuzelas? We're not that low are we? Stick to air horns, its the downhill sound.


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We all know any guys that are planning to head up for the 2010 QLD State Champs are wanting to know what the track is like, what’s some of the cool sections or want to have a look at what the best place to do a flick out is. Well there should be bit of a Promo video being done up over the next week. So watch this space...

only 6 weeks to go until race weekend. Get training!!!


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Should be a good weekend, track is looking amazing.

Nominations should be open within the week...

Also the Friday night there looks like could be a bit of a pump track night. While you come and grab your competitors bag of goodies you can have a ride. Keep checking back for more details.


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Hey guys, Here is a Video Me and MY mates have been working on for the past few weekends, It is of the Mt stuart Dh track in Townsville and is the track that the QLD state champs will be raced on, SO ENJOY

And also sorry about most shots being stills but we had no filmer so the tripod it had to be

Cheers chris



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The moment you have been waiting for is just around the corner...

The Official 2010 BNG Sports Qld State Champs Promo Video is in the final stages for being posted for guys that are keen to see what the track is like. Keep an eye on this in the next day or so.

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The moment you have been waiting for is just around the corner...

The Official 2010 BNG Sports Qld State Champs Promo Video is in the final stages for being posted for guys that are keen to see what the track is like. Keep an eye on this in the next day or so.

sweet sweet, cant wait to see it!!