26", middle class (whats it called?) , Street and Park,


Likes Dirt
fuck man, i remember how tense that was. good effort, camby this w/e i'll try but probs take a letter.


Likes Dirt
what the hell do you call that!?
one hand to bar-grind, like i said above it was pretty tense. Was a good day tho mini got some nice double whips, tuch was getting air inverts, riccy got these. He hurt himself bad a few times, but the man is so intesne, he got back up, took him a few times but F*** it was sweet when he got one. Props to you riccy, i do look up to you.


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Ok, after about 10 shots at these i ended up hurting myself and giving up. So this is how it stands:

riccy = F

ben = F A

i think its my set.