26inches.com DVD Teaser

Hi there farkineers, I'm back to plug our DVD after some months of occasional lurking here. Don't worry, we ran this by the farkin meister a while back and he's cool with us posting about our stuff.

So the DVD includes some stuff all you DH heads will probably find boring (that would be the endurance racing bits) but it also has some DH action and in general is many times better than our previous CD format.

for a SWF version that is about 2.3 megs

for a much better quality MPEG.

If you found the teaser just too exciting and want to rush to buy the DVD for $22 including postage:

I'll be up in Sydney pre Xmas and should be able to hook up with the Colonel & crew when he gets back for more night time city madness, or maybe something completely different. I'll be at the national round coming up in Thredbo shooting some stuff too.

Let me know what you think of the clip.



Likes Bikes and Dirt
Nice work Scotty,

You know I drop in from time to time in ur house, and have often wondered how worth it, these DVD's were actually going to be.

The teaser looks terrific mate, and think I mite have to stock up!

Good one brother. :wink:
Thanks for the nice words, it is encouraging, they ought to start arriving with current subscribers via post on Monday and I'm sure we'll hear more feedback about our efforts then :)

Who is Malty? Chances are if you raced WSMTB 12 Hr, State DH Round at Lithgow, XC at Manly, hit up the Duffy Jumps in CBR before the fires, do trials in Brisbane, did the Woddford to Glenbrook, or are just old and crusty riding back in 1999 like me, you will see yourself or somebody you know on here :)

There is more than one hour of video on there which is pretty decent value.
>Is that where benny was?

Yeah, John Magner filmed it and we have Ben and Matt hitting up the biggest ones that were there, and a few others hitting the small ones. There's a few of minutes of footage.