Actual/Effective Top Tube Length?


Likes Dirt
Actual is the measurement from the head tube to the seat tube along the top tube. This measurement is at an angle.

Effective is the HORIZONTAL measurement from the head tube to your seat post/seat tube.

Effective is always longer than actual because the seat post always angles back.

If you still don't understand I can draw a pic.


Eats Squid
I thought that the actually top tub length was - the actual length of the top tube?

And the effective length is the distance between the headtube, and the seat tube.
I.E like you've shown.
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Eats Squid
I know but what i meant was, actual top tube length = if you got a tape measure and ran it along the tube its self, so it accounts for any curves etc. I.E not a straight line from the head tube to the seat tube.


Likes Dirt
Oh I thought it was a straight line. Doesn't really matter though coz the only bikes with curved top tubes are Santa Cruz's and stuff. Most are straight


Likes Dirt
Right-o thanks, actual is the centre to centre measurements and the effective is the horizontal. Some manufactures only give one measurement, what is it usually?