Adrenalin - the secret fuel that makes us go


Likes Dirt
hahaha...tell you what does give you an andrenalin rush, me and 'Sparky' were at dwellingup in WA, and we met these guys that had this sweet ass truck and bike trailer, they kindly offered to shuttle us to the top of the hill with them. anyway about 3 shuttles in, the guys crack open a couple of cans of Jim beam and cola. now theres 6 guys crammed into a 4WD driving up some SKETCHY ass track drinking beam and cola, trying to gun it up in 2wd and 2nd gear. with over $20,000 of bike on a trailer in the back (trust me, they had John Waddels old Intense ~$12,000 alone, a Kona Stinky Dee-lux, another Intense, two Raceline XC bikes and some others i cant remember). then we get to the top, cruise the track back down and do it all again.


ex offender
perfor8r said:
yeah...well this one Bandcamp!!!! :p

Just kiddin'...sorry couldn't resist! :D
hahaha great movie.... i love how he's not listening, then she goes "a-a-and this one time, at bandcamp, i stuck my flute in my pussy" and then he realises what she said and spits a mouthful of beer all over the place :lol:


Likes Dirt
it's a 'bout when she goes to town on him in the bedroom, she's screaming, "WHAT'S MY NAME, BITCH!"
Man, that's one lucky guy :lol: :lol:


sweet movie, sparky agrees...
also, bonnet is quite right, only he's got one half of the story, the other half involves MY school friends being... well... strange. a little too complicated but the end of it is i was sleeping in the tent next to my best friend and this girl i've liked for ages... who were getting with each other... for hours.

so i dont really like her anymore... but the riding was aaawwwsomme


Likes Dirt
i didn't mention that other part, thought you might get pissed of with me, but now that you bring it up...WHOA, was the riding good OR WHAT!


yes, the riding was good, the friend and the kissing and the talking and the feeling and how close it was to me was not so good.