Another grip thread!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Sorry guys,

If I buy ODI rogues, Does that have the ability to replace the rubber once its worn out and keep the locking system or is that just for the Ruffians?

Also correct me if im wrong but rogues are the thicker but softer model? Are their any other thick, soft, locking on DH grips out their? I have had my fair share of thin grips (ruffian imitation/Sunline half-waffle) but I think im after some big thick grips as im having trouble keeping hands on the handlebars, as funny as that sounds...


Likes Bikes and Dirt
No you can buy replacements for the grip I am pretty sure. Saw them in a shop once.

Rogues are awesome. I run them on my DH bike.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
They're definitely thicker, probably a few mm thicker. Makes a hell of a difference. Helps with arm pump.


Likes Bikes
the rogues are thicker than ruffians....oury grips are just as thick as rogues but even softer and have a decent life span

Big Stu

Likes Bikes
I would recommend some Oury lock on grips. They are a nice fat soft grippy grip that I have used on every one of my bikes over the years. Assortment of colours. $40. Good for people with big hands.


Likes Dirt
Really!!!! I only knew of black and red in the lock ons. Thats awesome news!!!

Thanks for the info!


Eats Squid
Rogues are the best, they just don't wear out. They're just sooooooooooooooooo good.

Get them.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Well I ended up buying the rogues, and I do prefer a thicker grip but they may be just a tiiny bit too thick... I imagine it will wear down nicely soon.


Likes Dirt
i have some lizardskins peaty lock ons are awesome. good grip and soft as well. ridden a bike with ourys and theyre also very nice
I've run Oury LO's, Giant DD LOs, Ruffian type grips and am now running LizardSkins Peatys and have to say I rate them the best.

My hands are about average size so I found the Oury's too fat when riding with gloves


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Get some ODI -Intense. They are heaps grippy in the wet and are a really soft compound. Less arm pump!


Likes Dirt
Kind of OT, I lost one of the end caps for my oury lock ons, anywhere to get replacements that are compatible? (and look cool)


Likes Dirt
Get some ODI end caps or straitline ones. They aren't cheap though. I haven't seen any of the ones that come with the oury's though. If you find them let me know as i have lost one of mine, will save me some cash unless i spring for the odi or straitline ones...