Another newbie to mountain biking


Cannon Fodder
Hi all, I am very new to mountain bikes, previously only had a really old road bike. I was looking around for something that I could ride on road and off road, on bitumen up hills and on dirt tracks.
Last weekend without really doing much research I bought my first mountain bike, a 2009 Giant Alias Aluxx 6000 series XC. I googled it and found your forum, read another user's post about the bike and thought for the price, $230, I probably couldn't go wrong.
The bike came with clip-in pedals but as I have never used them and don't have shoes for them I replaced them with standard pedals for now.
It also came with very used tyres, something that I will need to replace in the next few months.

Hoping that I can get some good info from this forum before I buy tyres and pick up some help on how to adjust the bike and service the gearing.


Here are a few pics of my new ride.