Another online bike store thread...


Lives in a hole
This is a hard topic, and one that is particularly close to my heart.

I will always go to my LBS (even if I didn't work there). The truth is that there are very few people who can carry out all their repairs at home, I'm pretty confident I can, but I can't afford all the specialist tools which would get used once in a blue moon, so there'll always be a place for the LBS.

I know it's hard when your LBS doesnt stock all the parts you want, but it's a marketplace, it's a case of supply and demand. Think honestly to yourself, how many shops do you reckon could move enough XTR cranks, and downhill rigs to survive on? very few is the answer. The truth is that it's all the little stuff, tubes, chains, and cheaper bikes that keep the shops afloat.
Trust me, most shops wish they could stock all the latest and greatest products, but while you people keep buying from online stores, that's never going to happen. If you want your LBS to get better, then support them. You want something they don't have in stock, then ask them to order it. If they find that lots of people are coming to them, getting them to order the expensive parts, then they'll start to stock it. Expecting them to just start stocking all the best bits money can buy in a market like ours is like asking them to play russian roulette with their families. It is a huge risk, if the parts don't sell, the shop will go under. This is people's livelyhoods you're talking about, you have to try and see it from both sides.
If you want, keep buying from the online stores, but trust me, when a flash bike comes in for service, it's not too hard to figure out that the owner is shopping elsewhere to save a couple of bucks, and if you do that, then you're shooting yourself in the foot for the next time you have to shop at your LBS. Support them, give them your business, and they'll be good to you, they'll give you the good deals, and do what they can to help you when you need it. Wait till you kill a frame or fork and want to claim warranty, and see what the online stores will do for you then.

The future of the industry is in the hands of you, the consumer, and unless you have a fully kitted out workshop, and can do EVERY repair yourself, then think carefully about where you shop, as you may very well be killing your LBS.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Well argued wombat. So, in my case (which applys to all the toowoomba boys) what happens when the local bike stores (all 2 of them) couldnt give a crap about the mtb'ers? What are we sposed to do? Some of us are members of clubs in brisbane/gold coast or ipswich, and i know for a fact that my club (NRG) give discounts to members, and also put back alot into the sport. The first time i went in there i was extremely impressed, id never experienced service like this before (apart from when damien still worked at bikeline, toowoomba). Gav did me some great deals, and looked like he stocked alot of really good stuff.

However, its a fair way to drive just for a bike it's alot easier to just grab it online, but if im down that way and i need something, ill not hesitate to go in.

So, in conclusion, apples can be green or red.


It's my birthday!
Okay, i havent read most of the post, but I will just say this,

If the bikc shops around my area do not treat me nicely and do not get back with the information that I want then they will not get my business. If they are going to lie to me in order to get money out of my wallet, for example "The chain is not compatible with the bike" [its happened to me!] or if I know more about a product than they do then that really annoys me. I also expect them to tell me ups and downs on products and which one would suit me better.

Above all I expect honesty from them.

If the truth is told and there is a certain level of understanding with the customer and employee then both sides win.

Just my 2 cents


Likes Bikes and Dirt
The thing is i don't expect my bike shop to carry high-end stuff, they can't do it, we all know that, they make money selling kids bikes and comfort bikes for your mum. So why not have a specialised high-end shop that all the high-end shoppers can get to? It makes sense to me...


Likes Dirt
Biggest reason is it is all up front costs for the shop and to carry a lot of expensive high end parts means a hell of a lot of outlay at anyone time. And if you don't sell some parts, there not the in thing anymore etc the shop gets stuck with a lot of money outlaid and having to sell it real cheap to get some money back.

A lot of shops cannot afford to get too many high end tyres in, just in case they don't move or aren't the flavour of the month, let alone high end bikes and parts.


Lives in a hole
If your LBS doesn't want to help you out, and they havent treated you properly, then that's a whole different sceneraio. Don't shop somewhere if you're not happy with the service. I was just trying to put across another point, as I have been privvied to the other side of the story as well.

Although a shop might not stock the exact tyre you're after, chances are they can probably order it in. Think ahead a bit, order the part and wait the few days or week it'll take to come in (unless it's from the authority...). If you still can't get them to order it in then go elsewhere, they're killing themselves in that case.