anyone seen matrix reloaded yet?

Fark... just saw it guys!

Those guys are sooooo evil :lol: ....

Sum up the movie in 3 words... :roll:

Can't wait to see Matrix Revolutions... looks kila.

Sweet movie 9/10 :)
Ridiculously good, the first neo vs heaps of agent smiths fight scene would have to be the best fight in movie history. (there's a big call)
Storyline wasn't as good as the first, but still introduced some crazy new ideas, more than made up for by the action sequences though, made my brain hurt *can't...tell...difference...between...special...effects...and...reality*
Never would have imagined special effects / CGI could be that good.
Those dreadlock'd dudes would have to be the coolest baddies I have seen in a while....right up there with Darth Maul!

I'll definitely be seeing it again...and again...and again....
OH - MY - GOD....
i'm so very cut, i was sleeping and my dad took his girlfriend and his girlfriends son out to watch it...... haha its ok i gave him a guilt trip when he came home i said "ohhh, how was the matrix with your 'NEW' family?" then walked to my room... HAHAHAHA
What's your favourite scene in the movie?

I thought it was cool how Neo was fighting all the agents, the superbike scene was stunning :shock:

Awesome figiting scenes... unreal!
i saw it the day after it came out. man that movie is unreal!!!!!!! but the story line is kinda confusing. but yeh the fight scenes make up for that. my fav scene would have to be the highway and/or the fight wit all the smith guys! yeh the movie rules..... i'm gona see it again!
Yep the 100 agents and the car chase was unreal....and the big group orgy in the cave, hehe :)
I personally didn't like that movie alot. It was to long, streachy and boring. The fight sceens were awsome, but they were to long. I want to see the next one to peice them together nefore i start making more assumptions though.
masonb89 said:
I personally didn't like that movie alot. It was to long, streachy and boring. The fight sceens were awsome, but they were to long. I want to see the next one to peice them together nefore i start making more assumptions though.

yeah for sure, so many questions unanswered. The movie didn't even end... They are just making sure everyone goes to see the last one...
i havnt seen it myself to busy saving for my bike no distrctions:p
Fuzzy said:
i havnt seen it myself to busy saving for my bike no distrctions:p

well bikes do take priority over everything! Stop eating and watch the saving's grow!