Attn : justin from wa freeriders.


Likes Dirt
hey justin,ur friend nick sent me the magura hubs which he got from nethlands cycles and i got the package this morning.but it wasnt sent on cod.can you ask him to contact me or email to me regarding payment cos i dont see online at all.or could i transfer the money to your cousin han in singapore then u get the money from him to pay nick(thats a easier way for me as to advoid TT fees ) ?or i could send nick a money order as well.
thanks alot and help me thank nick too.

ps: sorry if its off topic.


Likes Dirt
HAHA, thats hell funny, umm yeh i duno i gota talk to him. I'll give him a ring later and see what he thinks is best.

You cant deliver money to my cuzzin he in the Army now.


Likes Dirt
haha.yeah but sure he is a nice guy to have bought the item from the shop with his own money and then send and paid for postage to me in singapore without me even paying him upfront.thats y no matter wat i gotta give him back the money .anyway i msged him in icq leaving him some offline msg cos he aint online at all.ask him to contact or drop me a mail.i could sent him a money order.thanks justin.