Australia Post, I hate you!


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I'm getting fairly sick of Australia Post charging whatever they want for no apparent reason, with no justification why.

Just yesterday I posted a shock to the UK, in an express internation courier bag, for $92.

Less than 2 months ago, I posted the exact same shock, in the exact same bag, to the exact same adress, from the same post office, for $54!!!!

They have pissed me around with what they consider a "cubic" parcel. Ror example a octagonal box they some how thought is considered cubic, and they would calculate postage from the largest distances everywhere, rather than go on weight (yeah sure I don't mind paying for the corners I cut off!!!).

I wont even start to go on about how long some items take to get to Perth from the eastern states.

Why can't Australia have a decent postage system like HongKong?

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Ring around with dimensions and weight.
There's plenty of other companies offering OS freight.
You might be surprised by the variation, but $90-odd is up the steep end of town... could you have tried it at another PO? I've found variations, like you mention.
It wasn't so much the price, I thought $50ish was acceptable for expressing a shock to the other side of the world.

But the doubling in price, when I'm using a bag (their prices arn't meant to change with differen't dimensions/weight, it was just a standard 3KG bag) was what pissed me off.

Then giving me no reason why. "Sorry sir you must be wrong, there isn't any way you payed that little last time". I'm taking my receipt to show them from last time.
I ordered some wellgo peddles off ebay from someone in melbourne and were sent on the 6th of July through Auspost. My friend ordered the same peddles off ebay from someone in the US through EMS 2 days later and got them today and I still havent got mine!!! :mad:
dodgy Auspost!!!:mad::mad::mad:!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:!!!
I ordered some wellgo peddles off ebay from someone in melbourne and were sent on the 6th of July through Auspost. My friend ordered the same peddles off ebay from someone in the US through EMS 2 days later and got them today and I still havent got mine!!! :mad:
dodgy Auspost!!!:mad::mad::mad:!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:!!!

Maybe its not Australia Post thats the issue.
I ordered some wellgo peddles off ebay from someone in melbourne and were sent on the 6th of July through Auspost. My friend ordered the same peddles off ebay from someone in the US through EMS 2 days later and got them today and I still havent got mine!!! :mad:
dodgy Auspost!!!:mad::mad::mad:!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad:!!!

thought that maybe your pedals arn't going to arrive? i'd be checking up on it if i were you

pedals have a habit of not turning up... don't they mr foxcorider dodgey fucking trader
thought that maybe your pedals arn't going to arrive? i'd be checking up on it if i were you

pedals have a habit of not turning up... don't they mr foxcorider dodgey fucking trader

Let me get this straight, your calling FoxRidersCo a dodgy trader?
pedals have a habit of not turning up... don't they mr foxcorider dodgey fucking trader

FoxRiderCo the user with an iTrader score of 65, of which 100% of feedback left is positive?.......

'Dodgy fucking trader' doesn't really appear to fit the bill does it? :rolleyes:
thought that maybe your pedals arn't going to arrive? i'd be checking up on it if i were you

pedals have a habit of not turning up... don't they mr foxcorider dodgey fucking trader

Foxy lives at the post office I doubt that he would ever not send anything doochebag. I have only been here a little while but I have already bought some stuff off him and I payed a little bit more for express post and it was here, In the condition as described and real cheap.
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Mike, sounds like to me you got the International Express Courier Bag instead of the International Express Bag. When I posted something a while ago to Canada, the price difference between these two types of sending was about double.

Good example. 2 different attendants, one meticulously measured and charged as much as possible, the other just weighed it (it was a frame), so it was less than 3kg and applied to that rule. so $104 for one method and $22 for the other. Needless to say, the choice was pretty obvious.
he did courier express both times, he posted his shock before and this time it was mine, the exact same thing
I love Australia Post - I order so much stuff and haven't had a problem yet, I get a present almost every week through buying stuff and getting it in the mail.
FoxRiderCo the user with an iTrader score of 65, of which 100% of feedback left is positive?.......

'Dodgy fucking trader' doesn't really appear to fit the bill does it? :rolleyes:

yes as a matter of fact i am, don't want to clog the thread but i will explain, halfway thru last year i paid him 80 dollars for a set of pedals, never turned up, constantly pm'd him and got very few replies, any time he did reply he claimed that he was in financial trouble and couldnt pay me back at that moment, i even offered to accept half the amount as a refund, never received anything

unforunatly i was much less experienced back then so did not follow it up with the farkin community or anything else

so i wouldnt be too fast to trade with him, thats all i'm saying
so i wouldnt be too fast to trade with him, thats all i'm saying

Well hopefully people can see past your ignorance and misconceptions to the other 50+ transactions that he as successfully been apart of. Its not his fault its Australia post. :mad:
Well hopefully people can see past your ignorance and misconceptions to the other 50+ transactions that he as successfully been apart of. Its not his fault its Australia post. :mad:

arh dude, How is it australia posts fault that foxriderco was in "financial trouble and couldnt pay" sheepy back?:rolleyes:
I hope Fox sees this.... I am wondering what his reaction will be. FoxridersCo. Is (pretty sure) the best and most highly traded with person on this whole forum. I wish I had his iTrader :D.

Not saying this didn't happen sheepy I just believe Fox is a good guy.... Did you end up getting your money back? Just out of curiousity

Wow I just realised how off topic this is.
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