Beware your legal reponsibilities - Fire


NSWMTB, Central Tableland MBC
Bikerpete, is this a vict only thing?
Not really, in NSW you're not permitted to do any no essential work within the state forest on High Fire danger days. In fact the forests are officially closed on such days. Not sure of fines and what not but I'd assume for a volunteering individual they be reasonable.

We normally get emailed alerts for such days asking the club to cancel any planned work and spread the word.


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I don't know what the situation is in NSW, but I think the take home messages are:
1. be careful and think through whatever work you're about to undertake so everything is done safely.
2. Consider the ramifications if something does go wrong - if they could seriously impact others, there's a good chance there'll be a law and associated penalties!

I don't understand the bit about a cleared 3m area either - seems totally bizarre. It'd probably take a legal beagle to work through the ins and outs of that one. There is one section I saw that said green vegetation could be cut at any time, but I can't remember if that was in the same act or a different one.

Bikerpete, is this a vict only thing? I just went to their website and I get from that pretty much you can't use any brush cutting type machinery or lawn mower on dry grass for whatever the hell the "fire danger period" is? Given that keeping a 3 metre clear area is impossible and contrary to what you are doing

Who thinks these things up?

So from October through to May in vict if you have combustible long grass you are going to have to figure out something awfully clever to cut it. I wonder if it's pissing down with rain whether it would be ok?

In Nsw - the heading is " can I carry out harvesting operations" which is where the same requirements for extinguishers exist and yes you can do it on total fire ban days.

Can't help but conclude that the CFA are overreaching by using terms like lawn mowing!