Bigest Jump you have ever done!


Likes Dirt
well i wish they were of me, but i cant jump! heres a few of my good mate crazy aidy from last year, definately not his biggest, will try to get hold of some other ones



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This was done when I was still really new to the sport about 2 years ago, when I was shit! Broke my collarbone on it about a year ago and haven't done it since...



Likes Dirt
well, i know foam pits don't "count" but heres my bigggest jump, and theres still a gap you have to clear to get to the foam so it's not all shit,


Likes Bikes and Dirt
This was done when I was still really new to the sport about 2 years ago, when I was shit! Broke my collarbone on it about a year ago and haven't done it since...
crap man, doesn't even look like you will make the lander with your front wheel! how did it end up?


Eats Squid
This booner mofo, style points... 0:eek:

Afaik, when measured (pythagorous theroemto get perpendicular distance) it stood at about 28 feet, the lip is about 9-10ft off the top of the dr, so to be hitting it you are hitting some serious speed. Its gone now though, I stopped hitting it after havinga near miss, aka nearly going otb after landing halfway down the down ramp nose heavy:s
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Likes Dirt
crap man, doesn't even look like you will make the lander with your front wheel! how did it end up?
That time was fun, I had plenty of speed. I used to always drop the rear like that and then push my weight a little forwards to get a little further if I felt like I wasn't gonna make it! (If that made any sense!)

Here's another pic just after I "pushed my weight forwards".



Likes Dirt
This may not be the biggest jump I have ever done, it is pretty big though, it is a sweet angle!! Please comment on it I want to know what people think!:D
It hard to tell how big the jump is because of the angle. Looks alright though.

I think it would look better from the front view.....


Likes Bikes and Dirt
not the biggest ive done, but only decent picture i have of anything really...

taken last year first round of the 08/09vss
