bmx race tyres and pressures


Likes Dirt
hey, Ive got a cruiser and am wondering about tyre choice and pressures. I'm running a specialized AA main on the rear and a max-daddy (maxxis) on the front. The rear is a 24x1.85 and the front is a 24x2.00 i think.

My question is, whats what in bmx race tyres? i'm at a loss to understand bmx race tyres, let alone what pressure to run them on. Both of mine currently start off at round that 90psi range, and slowly fall to round 45-55psi range.
they seem to feel a little grippier at the lower pressure.

I have thought about maxxis holy-rollers in 24'' and fairly thin width, however i have a pair of k-rads and quiver to think of the minimal grip i would get in a bmx race with that type of tyre.


Luke Strom
Lower pressures are the go for BMX racing now. Around 35-40 psi. It gives you more traction when sprinting.


Likes Dirt
fair enough, last time i heard about pressure's it was in the 80-100 range, which, when i started racing felt like i was trying to ride with a square wheel, smashed me hardcore.

Ill give 50 a try for a few practise nights and races, see how it performs.

Any one with an idea of tyre choice?


I run 2.00" at 60psi front and 1.75" at between 50 and 60psi on the back. maxxis holy rollers back and front work best for me. Our local track has steep concrete berms and that setup seems to work best for me.


Likes Dirt
It's all personal preference really, but in BMX (and kinda so in 4x) 90% of the race is won or lost in the first 5 pedals out of the gate, nearly all of the first 5 pedals are on cement so pump those puppies up high....65 should do the trick. (and do heaps of sprints to...same for 4x :( )

OK, sure you can be passed after 5 pedals, but all things being equal, if you're in front after 5 pedals you'll probably be in front to the first corner, and if you're in front at the first corner you're typically looking at a 1st, 2nd or 3rd for the race....

It depends on how much you weigh as well, I weigh 85 with 60 front 70 back, I used to weigh 115 with 95 front 105 back.
Also depends on the tyre and sometimes the track(only a little though) but that you gotta figure out yaself I guess.
Find a pressure you like and stick to it. Try to keep it the same as much as you can, trust me it'll help.


Yeti Cycles
always run a 1.75 on the back as most gear ratio charts you will find are based around your rear tire being this size, plus its the best size as well, run something a little bigger up front, anything from a 1.85 to a 2.00 works well, and run about 50 psi up front and 55 rear, whatever you do dont run anymore than about 60 in either tire or youll get way too many virbrations and go slower because of it. Holy Rollers are the tire of choice as well
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