Eats Squid
What would currently be the best value for money rotors? Shimano XT? Galfer Wave?
Since buying my Norco I've been dissatisfied with my braking. I replaced the original Tektro T4 Slate brakes which were ok with Resin pads but terrible with Ceramic and Metallic.
I've put my Shimano XT brake on which I love but still not getting the braking power I expect and after a long run this weekend they're super noisy.
I'm suspecting the OG Tektro rotors are the issue so as per the above question, what rotors are offering the best bang for buck atm?
Since buying my Norco I've been dissatisfied with my braking. I replaced the original Tektro T4 Slate brakes which were ok with Resin pads but terrible with Ceramic and Metallic.
I've put my Shimano XT brake on which I love but still not getting the braking power I expect and after a long run this weekend they're super noisy.
I'm suspecting the OG Tektro rotors are the issue so as per the above question, what rotors are offering the best bang for buck atm?