Bruce Ridge a.k.a O'connor Ridge Official Thread


Eats Squid
As promised, this is a thread dedicated to the Bruce/O'connor Ridge trails. All discussion regarding this area should be had here.

IT IS IMPORTANT that people realise these trails are illegal, although it is hoped that this can be rectified in the future, or some form of agreement reached...but until then building any new trails there will only hurt the cause.

The trails are very popular and offer a range of different trails that anyone can enjoy. Various trails will suit different styles, bikes and skill levels, there is something for everyone there even if it is not layed out in a very organised manner.

For those who don't know the location of the trails or are looking to go there for the first time, it is very easy to find;

Here is a map, circle indicates the rough location, the blue spray pain represents an underpass near AIS known to me as 'graf underpass' as it is the only one in the area with graffiti, and the entrace to the trails is about 10m from it. Its a good landmark, its on the bike path and just off the gungahlin drive bike lane exit.

Here is my landmark graf underpass, right next to the AIS athletics ground, directly behind is the entrance I use to the trails, there are plenty of other ones but this one seems fairly popular.

And this is the entrance, various fire roads and various entrances to various trails, I hope to make a decent map in the future of the trails, which will be more useful for riders.

Just remember the trails are not legal! Do not make new trails as it will only hurt future development.



Eats Squid
Ok, as discussed in the other thread, I like many others want to improve the area, however building anything new is not an option, so instead I am focussing my efforts on blocking some of the useless tracks which serve no purpose other than confusing riders and ruining the surrounds.

By blocking some of these dud trails riding in the area will be more enjoyable and less frustrating, some of the local vegetation may replenish, and it will show land owners and authorities that we are respecting the area.

Today I didn't have much time but went out armed with my camera, unfortunately most of my pics are rubbish:( I should have taken a pen as well to note which trails I actually walked around, as I plan to make a map and would be useful to know where I went today:eek:

The section I was in today was one of the better ones, it is in the main area near gungahlin drive and probably the most ridden area in the whole place.
Here is a typical 'good' intersection, both trails here are some of the better ones, they are both long and actually go somewhere, and I can't see anything dangerous about this...

This was meant to be a pic for Drew, to show the typical rain rut in the area, unforunately you can't see any depth at all its a terrible pic. Basically little things like this are everywhere in the network, a deepish channel develops exposing roots, most people take an outside line and the trail widens, not really anything can be done at this stage

Here is the only physical thing I did today, the trail in question is continuously down hill for quite a while and you can get some serious speed, this tree obstacle is obviously to slows riders down. A guy stopped to talk to me about this area and we agreed that its vital for riders to use it and not try to go around. In reality you can still go through here at speed, but need to at least show some caution. The blue lines show how some riders were using to avoid the tree, the tree is not hazardous or dangerous to pass through at all, trying to avoid it and maintain speed could be for other riders, and of course ruins those surrounding areas.

Here is my quick fix, as you can see its not comprehensive at all, but solves the problem as if you try to gun it around the tree now, you will probably get decked! And going through the tree is a lot quicker anyway. I will be able to see if someone sabotages this when I am riding in the area, will be interesting to see if anyone does.

As I said earlier, this is one of the better areas and is good for riding and no dud trails to speak of, this was the only other thing that I thought could do with a bit of blocking, its a very easy corner with plenty of visibility, some people still seem to be cutting through it, worth blocking?

Also if their are any suggestions or issues with this area (my entrance, the first trail to the right with the little sign) would be interesting to hear.


Eats Squid
Today I was on the SS POS junkbike with my camera, and riding past so I thought I would take a look. There was a fair bit of rain over the long weekend and I wanted to see what effect it had. Surprisingly the trails were in pretty good condition, some big puddles here and there but overall it seemed to handle it with ease. SS POS didn't handle it with ease, flat within about 10min of riding:mad:

Found this sign interesting, placed on the entrance to a fairly long and very rocky trail, I thought they were all illegal?:confused:

So I followed this sign trail for a bit, it leads into quite a confusing area with various little trails that have a destination, but don't servemuch purpose. I couldn't think of any logical solution, its not one of my favoured parts to ride anyway:p
Came across this fallen tree that was sticking out enough to be a little bit dangerous...

Was too heavy to move anywhere, so I made it a bit less hazardous and put a few sticks down so stop a tiny dud trail...

The only other thing I did before it started raining was this T intersection that has a useful trail on the right and pretty much nothing on the left, a dry creek bed that it looks like some people have been riding into then turning around.


FR Drew

Not a custom title.
Found this sign interesting, placed on the entrance to a fairly long and very rocky trail, I thought they were all illegal?:confused:
And herein lies much of the problem. Many years ago a trial was established running a multi user trail in O'Connor and Bruce Ridge. While the trial failed due to a substandard trail alignemnt that was by and large not terribly inspiring as a journey, branch trails were illegally built off the original route.

What remains now is a 90% illegal trail network with the occasional original post indicating the presence of legal multi user trails and a good deal of confusion identical to your own.

A real mess and a stack of mixed messages for riders.


Eats Squid
^^^Ahh that would explain it, this one sort of goes along for a while no problems, then turns into a crazy network of trails that just end up going back into each other, then kind of thing I always get lost on and keep riding around on:eek: These ones don't seem to get that much use either. I should have my mtb back up by the end of the week so will just ride for my own enjoyment and if I see something bad Ill try to fix it.

phil p.

Likes Dirt
Good work man! I ride these trails pretty often as I live pretty close by and agree with the changes you've made. Also would you be able to give some info on where the signposted trail is? I don't think I have come across it before. Keep it up, little changes like this are gonna keep it alot tidier and easier to navigate without confusing intersections everywhere.

the head

Likes Bikes
I used to ride the ridge every afternoon on my way home from work (living on Dryandra made it easy) and loved it. There's a great trail sweeping south on the eastern side of the ridge, back up to the top water tank and then down the western descent. Someone's put in a few boxes and jumps on the western side too. Good stuff.

As the trails are illegal, I'll always be kind to any other people I spot so I don't get us all a bad name. You see the AIS running teams going through there like a freight train some days. Pretty lame.


Eats Squid
Also would you be able to give some info on where the signposted trail is? I don't think I have come across it before.
It was the first time I had seen the sign, but had ridden parts of it before, because there is so many intersections and different trails shooting off I had never made it that far:p

The sign is sort of on the west of the watertank closest to AIS its on the fireroad that goes up the hill towards the tank, the trail is extremely straight and pretty much all rock as opposed to dirt, after a while seperate trails break off and you don't really know which is the original:p That whole area is pretty rocky, not the favourite friend of my rigid ss:eek:


This is the place that I first headed off-road on a proper MTB (Proper for the day anyway, which meant: a 18 gears, rigid cromo and bugger-all standover room Marin Bear valley SE).

The trails have expanded alot since then. And there are way more riders than back in the day.


Likes Dirt
i dont really like the trails here. i am too used to the perfectly shaped burms and jumps at stromlo. some would even say that i am 'spoilt'.

also, i heard that if you are cought riding on any of the illegal trails, the ranger can give you a fine of minimum $50, which i would not want to be forking out, mid-ride.
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Likes Dirt
Not every trail in Stromlo is full of berms; Some trails even go UP hill! Imagine that! ...and "perfectly shaped" jumps? At Stromlo? HA!

The Ranger's gotta catch you before he can fine you!

Personally I dig the place, especially at night, but you have to know where the good bits are otherwise it can turd-up really quickly.


Eats Squid
Yer there are definately some dodgy parts, some that are in states of disrepair but still ridden heaps, I just avoid them.

I've never seen any rangers at all there, and I highly doubt they are going to chase you along a trail and try to fine you.

Neon could you post up this map at all? I think it would be very interesting, and helpful for showing which areas are trash and which are still good.


Likes Dirt
At risk of sounding like a nanny...

May I suggest that we do not post maps of unsanctioned trails. This is a sure fire way for them to be trashed even quicker and then closed down.

I have been reluctant to put this down in writing but I think it is time to spell it out.

I can see an argument that people can avoid those trashed bits if they know where they are, but I think more likely a map will go viral and before you know it make more people ride on the Ridge who would not have previously been bothered to find trails for themselves.

In the meantime, nobody will be taking responsibility for them and they will deteriorate further.

The area is under a great deal of pressure and the walkers are getting pissed off. More damage means that the rangers will be under pressure to close down the trails. I am not sure if you may recall how vocal the locals were about the GDE, but they are (understandably) precious about the Ridge.

If people post maps, you will end up stuffing it up for everyone.

Finally, if the rangers do decide to pursue illegal trail users/ builders, where do you think they can find them? Make no mistake Rotorburn will not be able to hold back your details if the authorities come looking for them.

If anyone happens to be out on the trails and they see some degradation, follow Ross' example and fix it up.

Please, no new trails on the Ridge.

I've never seen any rangers at all there, and I highly doubt they are going to chase you along a trail and try to fine you.

Neon could you post up this map at all? I think it would be very interesting, and helpful for showing which areas are trash and which are still good.


Likes Dirt
I've never seen Rangers OR walkers up there, ever! I've seen walkers in the Lyneham Eucalypt trial plantation but never on the ridge.

Can anyone link to anything online about opposition to MTBers on the ridge?

Please, no new trails on the Ridge.
Amen!! :) ...and stop riding the shit ones!


Likes Dirt
I a not sure when you go up there Niftydog, but I see many walkers and runners , particularly in the early mornings.

I have not looked on the web for opposition, but you certainly get it verbally.

MTB traffic has definitely increased on the Ridge in the last few years. All I am saying is that we should not wait until there is vocal opposition. If we want the trails to remain, we need to take responsibility for them.

I've never seen Rangers OR walkers up there, ever! I've seen walkers in the Lyneham Eucalypt trial plantation but never on the ridge.

Can anyone link to anything online about opposition to MTBers on the ridge?

Amen!! :) ...and stop riding the shit ones!

FR Drew

Not a custom title.
Having discussed the matter a few times with PC&L staff, trust me, they are aware of its increased use, the increased number of trails and they are not happy about it.

In the absence of a legal alternative we don't know what they could honestly have expected and we are definitely pushing for a degree of limited non fireroad access within the Canberra Nature Parks, but the present situation is not making the autorities terribly pleased with the mountain biking community.


Eats Squid
May I suggest that we do not post maps of unsanctioned trails. This is a sure fire way for them to be trashed even quicker and then closed down.
Going to disagree with you on this one, purely because they are not a hidden secret at all.

They are already very popular, especially on the weekends and attract all kinds of riders of all skill levels, I live about 2 minutes from there and see all kinds of riders there especially on the weekend. I don't think a map would attract any new riders than the amount that currently uses the area.

The reason imo why some parts are 'trashed' and others are not is accessibility and rider skill levels. The worst parts that get ridden the most are the 'easier' sections that are close to the gates...most riders don't venture much further than this, and what I see as the 'better' trails are intimidating for some riders (my dad is a prime example of this, he doesn't ride MTB much and will only touch the easy flat trails when he does)

I know all the trails by now anyway, I don't need to see a map at all, just think it would be kind of interesting to see:eek: And as for walkers, I see heaps but only on the fire trails, I've never seen people walking the actual singletrack trails. I also see sports teams running, people jogging, people walking their dogs....nobody has ever said anything to me or tried to voice a negative opinion about me riding there:confused:


Likes Dirt
i do realise that there may be increased use of the area, and it may even be deemed as advertising if i post up a map. so for these reasons, i am going to have to restrain from posting it up.

i do understand that, if you are keen on riding at the ridge then you would already know where most, if not all the tracks are.

it is interesting to see the map but i do not think it is worth risking the authorities on me for it.


Likes Dirt
No worries, we will have to agree to disagree. I think FR Drew's post says it all.

Going to disagree with you on this one, purely because they are not a hidden secret at all.

They are already very popular, especially on the weekends and attract all kinds of riders of all skill levels, I live about 2 minutes from there and see all kinds of riders there especially on the weekend. I don't think a map would attract any new riders than the amount that currently uses the area.

The reason imo why some parts are 'trashed' and others are not is accessibility and rider skill levels. The worst parts that get ridden the most are the 'easier' sections that are close to the gates...most riders don't venture much further than this, and what I see as the 'better' trails are intimidating for some riders (my dad is a prime example of this, he doesn't ride MTB much and will only touch the easy flat trails when he does)

I know all the trails by now anyway, I don't need to see a map at all, just think it would be kind of interesting to see:eek: And as for walkers, I see heaps but only on the fire trails, I've never seen people walking the actual singletrack trails. I also see sports teams running, people jogging, people walking their dogs....nobody has ever said anything to me or tried to voice a negative opinion about me riding there:confused:


Likes Dirt
I a not sure when you go up there Niftydog...
I go all over. It's just weird because I get to/from via the fire roads in the Lyneham Euc. plantation where I see stacks of people walking their dogs (and big piles of beer bottles, paraphernalia and other rubbish I might add!). I don't see any of this on the other side of the bike path.

In the absence of a legal alternative we don't know what they could honestly have expected... the present situation is not making the authorities terribly pleased with the mountain biking community.
Hmm. Sounds like it's in their too-hard basket and has been for many years now. Makes it hard to know how they really feel. If it wasn't for this forum I'd have no idea about any of this!