Can America be fixed?

i looked up the Seven Mountains reference in that dose of verbal diarrhoea, and came across this

So glad that cooked cockhead is gone.

It blows me away that people (especailly in first world semi-secular and secular coutries) can still believe in a god and religion to the point they would see people die for their agenda, when we've just taken a pretty detailed look back 14 billion odd years into how the universe formed. We also know that ALL religious shit was written by uneducated fools who didn't do science thousands of years ago. I struggle to understand how anyone buys it.
So glad that cooked cockhead is gone.

It blows me away that people (especailly in first world semi-secular and secular coutries) can still believe in a god and religion to the point they would see people die for their agenda, when we've just taken a pretty detailed look back 14 billion odd years into how the universe formed. We also know that ALL religious shit was written by uneducated fools who didn't do science thousands of years ago. I struggle to understand how anyone buys it.

Ignorance and fear are basic human traits that have not gone anywhere.
I was starting to feel mildly relieved reading that, with Albanese reminding the christian nut jobs that community is supposed to be a christian ideal too. Then I read the comments and wondered if it was too early to start drinking...
Same smelly fish as before, it is just in different waters.
I was starting to feel mildly relieved reading that, with Albanese reminding the christian nut jobs that community is supposed to be a christian ideal too. Then I read the comments and wondered if it was too early to start drinking...
a vocal minority. Always found in the comments section.
Not too sure I want to visit for a holiday anymore.
