Can America be fixed?

Been listening to a pretty interesting podcast called 'The Run Up'
Episodes about the mid terms and now some new episodes about the upcoming presidential nominations.
I have to say it's one of the best examples I've seen of journalism that asks hard questions of both Democrats and Republicans without the rancour that seems to characterize US politics these days.
So the pro gun camp aren't calling for more guns on the street to stop gun violence?
Probably, but more like side shifting the topic to push the cause of mental health issues. No ideas to fix mental health issues, just saying that it is mental health issues.
Probably, but more like side shifting the topic to push the cause of mental health issues. No ideas to fix mental health issues, just saying that it is mental health issues.

It's unlike them to have a dynamic and flexible approach to their argument.
Probably, but more like side shifting the topic to push the cause of mental health issues. No ideas to fix mental health issues, just saying that it is mental health issues.
No, they're firmly pushing the illegal immigrant, and non white 'murican angle.
More evidence for the “no, america is irretrievably broken” theory, YouTube threw some Jesse Lee Peterson videos at me. His schtick is that he interviews people who are way smarter than he is, asks them really dumb questions and when they look at him with a confused wtf look he thinks he got them in a gotcha moment.
Look him up on YouTube if you want to depress yourself… He’s a total maga moron.
What inherent racism?