can you give me tips for my dh trail!!!


Likes Bikes
hi i am makeing a dh track out the back of my house i have three 6 ft drops and a great creek gap what are some other things i could put in.


yeah man big burms to rail and a nice sized step down or road gap if there is a road on the way down and even some doubles would be good


Likes Dirt
Mix it up a bit and have some flat corners and some rock gardens and some really sweet little bits of single track then a fast section with burms and drops and Jumps. It also depends on what u have to work with. Log steps can be good on an off camber for a challenge if u have no rocks! Really depnds on what sort of trail u like!


Likes Dirt
Steep technical rock garden with heaps of lines through the rock garden and at least 1 big jump


Likes Dirt
definitely put in some tight switch backs with nice high berms so you can pin through without your breaks. they are real fun.

A nice wide corner for drifting is always good. And chuck in some free-ride stuff like people have said. It may not be "downhill" but it will help with your skill and control of the bike.

Also really rough and rutted sections are good. we used to have a bunch of ruts and things to try get the wheels off the ground through some turns it was great fun.

Also put a bunch of hips where ever they can fit.