Car bike rack

meelen dh

Likes Dirt
Hi guys

My family and i are thinking about getting one of those bike racks that you put on your towbar. I need to know a few details like how much, how many bikes will fit on, and the best one in your opinion.

we got one for $20 from a market works a treat! :D
holds 3 bikes, some can hold 4 others 2.
theres alot out there.
also try a search i think there was a thread about this not to long ago.
Yep definitely a search its been covered a fair bit.

Also, you could add a few more details. What weight and number of bikes are you carrying? Do they have fat 2.5 inch tyres that night not fit in some carriers? MTB only or will there be BMX or Roadies as well? Any weird frame shapes that won't hang from a conventional design?

Plus what sort of tow bar (3 inch hitch or the smaller ones?)

That way we can help you to make the decision to get a Gripsport one.
I had a lot of trouble trying to fit my old giant iguana on a regular "gooseneck" style of bike carrier, so I'd hate to think what a bike with fat tubes would be like.

If you've got the cash a gripsport rack is the way to go. They're solid, and the bike rests on it's tyres, so weird frame shapes / designs will always work with them and they are a piece of piss to load and unload.
I noticed on the Gripsport website they've had a spate of bikes in for repair damaged by the beak (gooseneck) style bike carriers, so they might be worth giving a miss.
Yep definitely a search its been covered a fair bit.

Also, you could add a few more details. What weight and number of bikes are you carrying? Do they have fat 2.5 inch tyres that night not fit in some carriers? MTB only or will there be BMX or Roadies as well? Any weird frame shapes that won't hang from a conventional design?

Plus what sort of tow bar (3 inch hitch or the smaller ones?)

That way we can help you to make the decision to get a Gripsport one.

the type of bikes would be mtb and i have a dualie that has the shock up and down not slanted.