Cheap bike choices?


Likes Bikes
Hey all,

Looking at getting a bike (new or second hand)
problem is, im a bit strapped for cash

this is cause im 16, and have an 8 buck an hour job :(
(workin on gettin a new one:p)

with a cheap bike, how do I know its a quality bike?
XC and trails is my biz
(and it has to be better than my current bike, giant thermo 2, peice of turd, that is!)



look at me
2nd hand sounds like your best bet! Although if your not overly familiar with gear and quality of gear than buying an 08 model from your LBS will be your best bet as far as bang for $$'s goes. 09 gear has gone up quiet a bit, where as $600-$800 could of had you on a decent rig in 08 its about $900-1100 in 09. Hunt around and let us know what you can come up with within your local area and see if they do laybys, finance (parents and pay your parents back), or a loan from your parents or other options. Post up what you can find in your size and we will point you in the right direction!