Cheap DH bike for beginner?


Cannon Fodder
Whats the best Cheap DH bike for a beginner. im 14 yrs old and i wanna start riding. But i cant afford anything to expensive. Can anyone give me some insight?:)


Likes Dirt
If you want help, we are going to need:

Your price range
Whether you are willing to buy second hand or not
Whether you are after a hardtail or a dually
And exactly what sort of riding you want to do with this bike in particular (Just downhill, or downhill + getting to the track + DJ'ing etc.)

With that info the helpful rotorburners should be able to assist you plenty.

kyle brown

Likes Bikes
have you ever ridden downhill before because if not you will be better off to start on a hard tail as you learn how to control the bike and get more skills and you can pick one up for a low price.
If you want a dually your best option would be something like a kona stinky or a norco atomik as you can get one up for a good price. Anyways search around the net and the "for sale thread" best of luck and also welcome to rotorburn :)

Rob rides

Likes Dirt
The first post in this thread is very right.
It would also be good if you looked at the for sale section on rotorburn because thats where I snapped up a fantastic dh/fr bike deal.


Cannon Fodder
thanks :) and yes im willing to buy a 2nd hand bike. my family is pretty poor so is there any in the $1000 or less? :S ive never rode dh before either. id want a bike to do dh with and a bike i can ride places.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
thanks :) and yes im willing to buy a 2nd hand bike. my family is pretty poor so is there any in the $1000 or less? :S ive never rode dh before either. id want a bike to do dh with and a bike i can ride places.
yeah have a look around, you could get a decent hardtail for a grand:)

Zan the man

Likes Bikes
as has already been said a kona stinky would be pretty much perfect for you, i learnt to ride on one and just found it really good for all types of riding, they're not to good for riding places if you have to ride up hills but other than that they're good for everything
a second hand one for a grand and a bit would be findable.


Likes Dirt
My Giant Faith2 is for sale.
I ride places with it
its also the bike i started out with and still runs sick.
$1400 would be the price on it at the moment.
PM me if your interested you can come up for a look and a ride too :).

tro tro

Likes Dirt
norco sasquatch would be a good place to start as has been said before, my mates selling a 08 one for about a grand, if your interested then pm me and ill give you his contact details


Likes Bikes
I second a sasquatch, for this years model and daym i love it, though if you want a dually for a slightly smoother ride, then checkout the for sale section on here (rotorburn) as you wont find a decent new one for under a grand


Likes Dirt
Pretty much the big Norcos are the best way to go for riding, DJ'ing and DH'ing. As has been said look around for something like a Sasquatch or a Manik and you should be able to find one for around a grand. Bought my 07 manik last year for 1k and it handles downhill fairly well.


Likes Dirt
norco sasquash is a good beginners bike i've got one and still using it to pin some local tracks :D you jus need a wider bar then you'll be fine or you can check on the bike sale forum :) browse around you might catch a good deal ;)


Likes Dirt

For $1000 my mate has a Norco Manik that nhe could sell you but not sure if he want to use it for the 4x season coming up. Or look hard for a giant faith. Some are $1000 if I rember.



Likes Dirt
i recently bought a norco sasquatch and they are great i see that most people say they should be ok but they are honestly a great beginners dh bike. im quite surprised how much this bike can take i have crashed badly quite numerous times and barely a scratch.
they also are a good bike for traveling around as they have more gearing than a full downhill bike and dont way as much.

heres the link i got it from

or heres the manik