Choosing a MTB club


Likes Dirt
Just after a bit of advice when it comes to joining a MTB club,

I live in the inner west of Sydney so any MTB club is fairly far to travel which i have no issue with but im just wondering what does a club offer?

Do certain clubs offer organised ride days and meetings etc?
or are they just there on race days and and to hold events?

Is it worth joining a club if they dont offer anything that benefits me? or do most people just join the local club to help support the scene?



Likes Dirt
Depends on what you want to get involved in I guess.
WSMTB is the only club in Sydney that actually holds regular XC, CX and DH races. There are 5 or 6 XC races in the club series + a stand alone club champs, 3 x 4hr races in the summer 4hr series, 3 or 4 x CX races and a few DH races. WSMTB are the only club with a track too, I believe. There is social maintenance on the track every month. Although there are very few organised social rides through the club, many of the members get together in different groups for social rides.
Sydney MTB is another club, I'm not sure what your membership gets you but I'm told they play a role in advocating for trails and hold social rides.
I know a few people from the Northern Beaches are actually members up at Ourimbah club as the travel is similar between there and WS.