Commonwealth Games


Likes Dirt
This isn't a what are you going to see at the commonwealth games thread!
Its more of a anti commonwealth games thread!
Rant Follows!

Well we all know that the commonwealth games are coming to melbourne in March! The real question is are they worth it? and are our public transport systems going to handle the pressure that will be placed on them! Is the games really worth all the extra trouble the melbourne city has to go to?

Personally i believe no! I have a 5 week school term then go into a drainer 13 week school term. I am basically being asked to take a holiday in the middle of the school year. Not that, thats a bad thing but just for some games? The public transport system will die in the arse! They can't keep trains running regularly normally how are they going to cope with the extra amount of passengers? I have waited for trains that have been delayed for 15 minutes when there is normal commuter flow.

Anyone have anything to add or put holes through what ive said please do.


Likes Dirt
firstly chris, i think we get 6 weeks next term not 5 but still 13 weeks in the next, which is gona be a fuking drainer and unreasonable, i dont agree that they should not have the games here, i belive that we should, but i do think the Melbourne public transport people need to get there arses into grear exspecially when theres only like 100 days 2 go, there need to be a big improvement in the transport into the venues if there gona pull it off. hopefully they can lift there game and make it work.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
If it's anything like what the Olympics were like in Sydney, you will have a ball. I personally ran away from Sydney when the Olympics started (To Cairns) and when I came back to see the mountain biking I couldn't help but get swept up in the whole party. It was amazing, and I was one of the people who hated the idea of having the Olympics. I hope Melbourne is the same, if I was in Australia I would be getting my fat arse down there to join in. Get into it and you will have a far better time than being bitter about it. My 2c.:)

PINT of Stella. mate!

Many, many Scotches
Yeah, back in my backpacking days, My mates and I were in Sydney for t'limpics and we found it piss easy to travel around despite the reported 150 million extra tourists (slight exaj,) in fact we found it quicker to travel from Bondi to Kings X during the games than after!

Hopefully Mtrain/tram will sort their act out in time for march. I for one reckon they will. After all the Greece Olympics were supposed to be a shambles...