da bomb chain guides


Likes Bikes
I got one at around the start of the year and so far have only lost one chain due to it not being set up properly. It doesn't make too much noise but it isn't completely silent. Being the only guide I've ever used i don't have anything to compare it to, but when people look at my bike they sometimes mistake it for an e13. I'm happy with my purchase.


Eats Squid
I've had a clear one for about a year now on my DJ/4X bike. It works AWESOME, is tough as and has never lost a chain. I removed the bottom wheel to make it quieter as it was a bit noisy. It is totally silent now. And for DJ/Street you don't really need the bottom wheel anyway.

I may be interested in selling it if you are interested.

dirt rider

Likes Dirt
ok cool i might jas remove the wheel
thought noise doesnt bother me that much coz i have a e-13 on my dh rig and i love the noise

and dad is buying it so it is all good hahaha


Likes Bikes
i'm using the clear one on my dh rig at the moment... i love it too! its tought as nails and i just swapped the rollers for some mrp ones and it is quiet as now... looks the shnitz too!