Dear Diary

Boom King

downloaded a pic of moorey's bruised arse
Let all hair other than the dome grow long and full. A bit of heard would be gold...I'm with you on the. Broke dome knuckles! Unless it is from a genetic baldness defect.

There is a Brazilian film...fuck you SBS. I saw a doco about w Brazilian film maker on SBS one night many years ago (haven't owned a TV for 15+ years). The guy was a boundary pusher! His films were confrontational and graphic and well...bizzare. They played snippets, but no whole film. Anyway one of his films was about a woman and a German shepherd. Yep doing what you think. They didn't show any of this, just talked about it. Anyway the point isn't about any of that. This filmmaker years later decided he wanted to buy the dog from his film. He contacted the dog's owner. He was informex the dog was dead. Poisoned...the filmmaker was sad as he knew the film had been controversial and sought more info From he owner...had he found justice with the murderer etc? The murder was see the owner had watched the film and seen how much of a natural lover the dog was. The way he seemed to know what the woman wanted and...and...well the owner had realised that the dog must have been having an affair with his wife! So he killed the dog.
Cool story bro. Needs more dragons.