

Likes Bikes
Ok, here comes the rant. Cover your eyes kids I'm telling you now there's going to be some colourful language. So was riding the roadie today around a small 30km circuit that i do frequently when i heard squeeling tyres and limiter bashing up ahead. Focusing more on keeping my head down while climbing the mother of all hills I saw out the corner of my eye three cars come around the corner ahead of me, two jacked up utes and a small car full of girls behind them. The first car passed only yelling a couple of insults, the second car however intentionally swerved onto the wrong side of the road, forcing me onto the gravel and consequently into the drain on the side of the road to avoid being hit. By the time i turned to check for plates the cars were long gone, so I had only a vague description of the cars including stickers on the side of the trays of one of the utes and a suspicion of the fuckheads (who by consequence live on the same street as me) who would of done it. After this I rode straight home instead of the route i intended to ride, and sure enough coming up the hill right before my house who happens to drive past but the same two utes which i instantly recognized from the stickers, confirming that it was exactly who i thought it was. After this i cautiously drove past their house, knowing they had pulled a knife on a mate in the past when he confronted them, to try get some number plates, without success. When i got back home I rang the police and filed a report including names, descriptions of the cars and an address. This was when i was informed by the officer on the phone that even if i did have number plates of all the cars there would be nothing they could do because the drivers would just deny it.

So after all that I'm sitting here wondering what i can do? My first thought is a bar mounted camera or such, does anyone else ride with one of these on the roadie? Or does anyone else have any ideas?
Can't say I know too much about the law, but a mate of mine was driving behind a truck that went around a corner, when he followed, out of nowhere, a women was crossing the road on a pedestrian crossing with the green pedestrian light and he had to stop fairly suddenly or he would have hit her. He waved and said sorry and she walked off with the shits. Two weeks later he got a fine in the mail for negligent driving. He rang the cops and denied it, but they told him he'd have to take it to court. He took it to court and lost. My point is that the cops obviously can issues fines and take someone's word for it, as in my mates case.


Likes Dirt
Leave a creative note on their windscreen, folded in an envelope

Some ideas

- Your girlfriend is cheating on you
- Watch your back
- With friends like you who needs enemies?

For more effect cut out newspapers to make up the letters and maybe include some photos of them getting into their car with a long lens

Note: I take no responsibility for the above, I am having a joke... I used to have a bunch of locals who used to give us crap on our bikes when I was like 10... us on bikes, these drongos in cars... seriously, go pick on someone your own size, lowlifes...


Wheel size expert
Your mate was at fault.

She has the green light so she was in the right.
Further that its road rules 101 you are in control of driving safely if he couldn't see around the truck he should have first off backed off to a safe distance and secondly been very cautious around the corner looking out for pedestrians. Anyway that's not the point of your post.

To the point, Id think that there would be cameras or witnesses though? Id think word for word is only applicable where there is evidence like car crashes or something you can show. How did the women show she was almost hit by a driver. Sounds like there may have been more to it than word of mouth.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
I hate dickhead drivers and hoons, I hate lazy workers; cops included.

I have had a lot to do with people who just don't give a stuff about other people. The scenario would go as such:
cops go around to have a chat
cops get told lies and possibly get a mouthful of abuse
cops leave shaking their heads

Most of these shallow end of the gene pool types listen to two things. Money and violence. If you were massive and could smash them, you might have a chance of setting them right. Or they could wait until you are asleep and wreck your shit. I don't have any answers apart from feeling sad that these types seem to breed more than the good ones. :(


Likes Dirt
Don't touch anything they own .. ever... You will end up in shit, what you can do is hurt them in the wallet...

Call the epa and make complaints about noise, or if the shit box utes are diesels, complain about smoke... They will get a notice and have to pay to get it inspected ... Also you better call the litter hot line about the ciggy butts they are throwing out the window..


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Ok, here comes the rant. Cover your eyes kids I'm telling you now there's going to be some colourful language. So was riding the roadie today around a small 30km circuit that i do frequently when i heard squeeling tyres and limiter bashing up ahead. Focusing more on keeping my head down while climbing the mother of all hills I saw out the corner of my eye three cars come around the corner ahead of me, two jacked up utes and a small car full of girls behind them. The first car passed only yelling a couple of insults, the second car however intentionally swerved onto the wrong side of the road, forcing me onto the gravel and consequently into the drain on the side of the road to avoid being hit. By the time i turned to check for plates the cars were long gone, so I had only a vague description of the cars including stickers on the side of the trays of one of the utes and a suspicion of the fuckheads (who by consequence live on the same street as me) who would of done it. After this I rode straight home instead of the route i intended to ride, and sure enough coming up the hill right before my house who happens to drive past but the same two utes which i instantly recognized from the stickers, confirming that it was exactly who i thought it was. After this i cautiously drove past their house, knowing they had pulled a knife on a mate in the past when he confronted them, to try get some number plates, without success. When i got back home I rang the police and filed a report including names, descriptions of the cars and an address. This was when i was informed by the officer on the phone that even if i did have number plates of all the cars there would be nothing they could do because the drivers would just deny it.

So after all that I'm sitting here wondering what i can do? My first thought is a bar mounted camera or such, does anyone else ride with one of these on the roadie? Or does anyone else have any ideas?
First - paragraphs son.

Second - This is hilarious, and would be amazing to do.



Likes Dirt
So by chance today TGG happened to have a special on the Sony equivalent of the Gopro, so i got it with the LCD attachment, mount and card as a prebirthday present. Thanks for the opinions but it doesnt look like the cops are going to follow it up to well seeing as thought i can't actually ID the driver so I'm just going to leave it.


Likes Bikes
An apple up the exhaust does the same job and is cheaper - but I love your thought train haha

Another effective thing is some strategically placed very sharp nails under the tyres, just prop them up so when they roll off the nails go in. They look pretty stupid sitting a few of klm up the road with 3 or 4 flat tyres


Eats Squid
An apple up the exhaust does the same job and is cheaper - but I love your thought train haha

Another effective thing is some strategically placed very sharp nails under the tyres, just prop them up so when they roll off the nails go in. They look pretty stupid sitting a few of klm up the road with 3 or 4 flat tyres
One tyre at a time, a week apart. Self satisfaction, but they don't need to know that karma has a face.


I went mtb with a cop who cycles to work. He has a cheap ebay camera on side of his helmet (looks like a light). He reports motorists who are agressive like this and hands over the video footage. He said they were encouraging all cyclists to do this.


Mental Notes:

Dog shit under the door handles and a few prawns down the air intakes will give em something to think about. Dickheads like that probably have enough enemies to keep em confused.
Sugar in the fuel tank does nothing. Its an old wives tale.
I did not know this!

This reluctance would have been cured by mentioning your uncle/aunt, the superintendent (whose name you found via googling the superintendent for your region). There would have been loads of bitching behind you back by the officer taking the report, but it would be the most investigated report for the week :)
Sound advice and will sleep better having these in my back pocket!

On topic.........
I have stopped on Sprinvale Rd and put out a small fire with a bottle of water from a cigarette butt that someone threw out of their window, and because I stopped and held up traffic to put it out, someone dobbed me in and I copped a fine for the cigarette butt. That was a fun letter to write!
I was at a round about in Sth Morang and a trading drove his trailer over the bonnet of my TX3, he didn't stop, continued driving and when I reported it to the police (with witnesses), the guy got off scott free! Make 'em work for you, if nothing more than you have a report to file for an insurance claim.


Likes Bikes
Theres the best and easiest solution for you:

Ride mountain bikes and stay away from the road, so no one feels annoyed.
i love riding but i go to the trails, lots of cyclist are arrogant dickheads as well and i loved to run over sm of them,
but in your case youre right, they are a bunch of dickheads.
sometimes you got bad luck, thats why i prefer the trails.

If you know them than go and knock on their door, thats what i would do.


Lives under a bridge
Ethanol, a fuel is made from, amongst other things, sugar. You'd just be giving them a tank of E10........tampons, on the other hand.


Wheel size expert