Different levels of trails?


Likes Dirt
Fairly new to mountain biking and never been down hilling. Just wondering if there is different levels of trails around the red hill area? I mean, i don't want to take on the big one first off and wreck myself. :p


Likes Bikes and Dirt
By Red Hill I think you mean Red Hill Rd, Kulnura, right.

The DH from the Tower is fairly self explanatory, until the fire road where it spears off to the left. If you go right at that fork, you will find some easier DH lines that follow the ridge all the way to the "5 ways" intersection.

Is it only DH that you are looking for??


Likes Bikes and Dirt

They have a whole bunch of info above. The Google Earth .KMZ file will give you a trail map of the area. I am unsure if the trail I have described is on there but it isnt hard to find. After riding on Sunday, I can telll you that some work has been done on corners by the trail fairies and is alot of fun now.

The main DH track from top to bottom is looking as good as it has ever been and many of the "A" lines and "B" lines are still in place, with some new stuff for people that havent been in a while.