Dually or moto???


Likes Dirt
I am now at a pivotal state in my young life haha nah all i want is your opinions on whether I should get myself a dually or a peewee moto. you need to take into account i have a norco sasquatch at the present and i only ever do dirt jumping and urban......so your opinions?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Peewee motos aren't worth the fuel you run em on IMO. Either get yourself a duallie or get a proper sized moto. Then again, you were one of the main attractions of this thread. Do whatever floats your boat.


Likes Dirt
i'd be hitting up a duelie for sure.
I have had friends with the peewees and they arn't as good as you think. You get sick of them quick and they are illegal.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
fast 50's are a fad. if you get a fast 50, dont use it on dirtjumps if you want to live! unless you make the lips exactly how they were, or better than when you got to the jump.

i myself would go a dually, then you have 2 bikes, which you can ride whenever you want. moto you have to pay to ride and ya might not to be able to ride whenever/wherever you want


Lives in a hole
punkfreq said:
truly hilarious buddy......but if u cant say sumthin constructive towards my cause....
I think he was constructive enough, he answered your question (even if the reference to the other thread probably wasn't required).

I also think that the users here have made their attitudes towards mini-bikes pretty well known in past threads, so if you want to know what to expect have a search for them.

As for the actual question, get a DH rig, then if you want to ride something that is ultimately not that useful, get a unicycle, they're heaps more fun.


Likes Dirt
Buy a dually or, if you're prepared to join a club and race, a grown up's moto.

Value for money wise, a DH/Freeride type bike is best, you can ride them just about anywhere without upsetting too many folks. Riding motos on public land will just get you into shit. That's why most people I know from the motorcycle industry are buying MTBs, cos there's almost nowhere to ride motos legally unless you own a massive farm, or race.


Likes Dirt
wombat said:

As for the actual question, get a DH rig, then if you want to ride something that is ultimately not that useful, get a unicycle, they're heaps more fun.
got one,.......


Lives in a hole
punkfreq said:
got one,.......
Cool, then go and get one of those little razor monkey bikes. They're just as rediculous as a pumped up peewee, and they're a fraction of the price.