Eildon Ride Day.


I'd just like to comment on anyone looking to do the Vic DH Series this year. If you're wanting good pics, wear bright coloured clothes. Black's suck big time to photograph.
Anyway, here are some teasers from Sunday's club event. Thankyou to all those involved. And for those nice people that left the front seat vacant for me to shuttle in....thankyou!
Big Ben....making sure Mrs Hux snapped him!:D

Cam styling the Turner.

Shane minus the Manbag......Oh yes, he was riding with one!:D

Just a little style at the bottom!

Hux Out!

Edit: Manbag pic here.
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Wheel size expert
Yeah Hux, should be darn happy! Now you just have to work on composition a tiny bit for each shot and BAM!


Likes Dirt
Good work guys, great shots with the remote flashes! You'll have to teach me how to do those with my SLR!!!!!


Dead-set Idiot
Which one are you Kill? Any pics of you at all?
Yer there one of me Hux, im not complaining about you photography. I just cant over how unphotogenic I am, seems like its on the bikes as well as off the bike:p Ah well

Edit: Thanks Sean, the picture shows exactly what i mean:D


Yeah, I am just finding the bright clothing is popping from the flashes. And a bit of PP makes them stand out. I changed from Darks to Bright blue this season, and it shows. Problem is there is another dude wearing the same jersey as me on a Glory, and it confuses Mrs Hux everytime. Will suck big time if he rides Vets! hahahahaha
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