Even more pics from NSW DH rd1 at Stromlo

l +Jarrod+ l

Likes Dirt
Nice shots there. Just to be a pest, some are a little to dark for my likeing. However the clouds make them look rad, well done.


Likes Dirt
Glad you like them.

The sun made it rather hard to get nice shots with out losing detail in the highlights so I underexposed most shots. I was riding as well so I only got about an hour to try and get some good shots.

Not sure who all the riders are but if if anyone wants full resolution shots just PM me.


Likes Dirt
Thanks for the PMs. Sorry I should have mentioned I was only on the hill with the camera for an hour so the photos I've posted are all I took.

If you want originals (of what I've posted) let me know.


Likes Bikes
pics thanks

number: 167
bike: 06 giant glory, Fox 40s
description: grey and black full length pants and yersy, red helmet and red shoes

my frends would also like picture if thats ok
bike: 07 specialized demo 8, 888 bombers
decription: black and red royal yersy blue and red pants, blue helmet
my friend also crashed on his race run over the large boulder jump if that helps, thanks to any 1 who can provide me with pictures.