Ever had the urge to ride through a shopping centre?


Likes Bikes
Whenever I go to work I think, damn, how sweet would it be to hit up these stairs? Drop after drop after drop at the Range shopping centre. Methinks my XC bike would kind've die afterwards though :( Grand Central would be pretty suave too.

What do the rest of yas think :?:
me and my mates have been keen to do the maccas in the queens treet mall brissy for ages, straight down the stairs through and out the other side...but shoppin centres do have some swwt stuff.
i have urges all the time to hit up shopping centers, i've did it heaps years ago on rollerblades, it was rad fun... :mrgreen:
yeh every time i walk through shopping centres i see so many cool things to do - like escalators.. i've been so keen to do one, has anyone ever done one? and are they as hard as they look??

SquarkyD said:
i think i dont want my bike impounded, again :evil:

:lol: shit man what did u do?
peachy said:
yeh every time i walk through shopping centres i see so many cool things to do - like escalators.. i've been so keen to do one, has anyone ever done one? and are they as hard as they look??

I rode down the up escalator at Flinders St Station once. It's not hard, but you get a false impression of speed! It's just like riding down biggish stairs really, but your perception of speed gets really warped
hehe it would ay :p i'm getting the shivers just thinking about riding down em :lol:
it would be so weird riding down them when they are going up.... hahaha the feeling would be so weird - i was tempted to do a set at some station (don't remember which) but i was too pussy. but now i've got demons so i wanna do em :lol: :lol: :lol:

but damn... having a stack down a set would really scratch the hell outta ya. :x owww
Hahahahaha, this is gold :D

I've always wanted to do something like that, Ive never had the *guts* to do it inside a shoping centre. Would be hella fun to ride in there though, do skids all over the fake marble floor :).
I have rode in a shopping center before. Me and my friend Andrew went for an urban ride one day, then we decided to go into Calgary Tower Mall. It was all fun, trying to ride up the escladers and such, until the securtiy took our bikes. Then the fun was over, so we had to get my parents to get us out. It was fun times :)
Socket said:
peachy said:
yeh every time i walk through shopping centres i see so many cool things to do - like escalators.. i've been so keen to do one, has anyone ever done one? and are they as hard as they look??

I rode down the up escalator at Flinders St Station once. It's not hard, but you get a false impression of speed! It's just like riding down biggish stairs really, but your perception of speed gets really warped

me too, it is very weird. There's monster escalator's at Parliment station...
me and a mate rode thru a shopping centre, they took the bikes and gave them to the cops, didnt worry me, was my mates bike i was riding :D
kalem said:
Socket said:
peachy said:
yeh every time i walk through shopping centres i see so many cool things to do - like escalators.. i've been so keen to do one, has anyone ever done one? and are they as hard as they look??

I rode down the up escalator at Flinders St Station once. It's not hard, but you get a false impression of speed! It's just like riding down biggish stairs really, but your perception of speed gets really warped

me too, it is very weird. There's monster escalator's at Parliment station...

Yeah? I might have to go and check it out!
SquarkyD said:
me and a mate rode thru a shopping centre, they took the bikes and gave them to the cops, didnt worry me, was my mates bike i was riding :D

Your lucky, i was riding MY bike :oops:
mm, there is this travelator (flat escalator) in the local shopping center that I want to cain down. It would be awesome I reckon :p
Sandman said:
mm, there is this travelator (flat escalator) in the local shopping center that I want to cain down. It would be awesome I reckon :p

Those are cool cos your tyres make weird noises when you get to the bottom!
peachy said:
yeh every time i walk through shopping centres i see so many cool things to do - like escalators.. i've been so keen to do one, has anyone ever done one? and are they as hard as they look??

considering your in Bris, there's a beautiful, long escalator in the Mincom building block in town... Heap of the guys did it on the last Brissie urban :)

There awesome:D

Me and my mate were cruising through the shops on late night shopping and security ride bikes too so the chase was on..:D
We ended up at a travelator which i nose manualed down and flipped :oops: was orite tho cause the security didnt have the guts to ride down it:D