Falls Creek Compared to Perisha etc


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Just wondering what the mountains are like at falls creek compared to perisha and the NSW slopes. We are planning on heading to the snow next year and considering falls as we get to stay on the snow for only a little bit more cash :)


Likes Bikes and Dirt
yeah go perisher. 8 person Lift. Theres over 50 lifts at perisher. Definatly go perisher.


Likes Dirt
whenever ive been to falls ive only skiid on the the wombat run :p hehe, perisher would be a better choice i think.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Well, the choice atm is actually thredbo or falls creek as the company we are planning to go with dont' offer accom on the snow at perisher :(


Likes Bikes and Dirt
Go Thredbo. I have only been to Thredbo for 1 day and never to Falls Creek. But I have been to Hotham 2 times and Thredbo was better. I have also been to Corenet Peak. NZ Rocks!!!! :p