Farkin Logo Design - We need you!

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Joem said:
Grip said:
What's the attachment or significance of the 69? Personally I reckon that's a little passe and overused. Surely you need something that is not associated with, or able to be confused with, anything else?

Could be my innocent minds way of looking at things, but I always thought the symbol represented a chain line, chainwheel at front, cassette at the back.

meh, thats just me, perhaps some sort of variation can be used, decreasing the the rear circle and perhaps roughing up the outside of the wheels to look vaguely like teeth.

If I had an ounce of art skill/computer skill I'd show an example but......

:shock: Well I can honestly say that one never crossed my mind.
This is an idea for a shape:
You can make it as wanky as you want with PS. Dunno about colours.

edit- probably would be better closer to the font of the original logo.
The idea was to incorporate the recoginiseable 69 shape into something bike related (chain links)
I'm not artisitic, so this is more as a concept for people like NHD and Steamfrog (who's logo I pinched anyway :) ).

My thinking is that Farkin is Australian, and maybe that could be worked into it somehow. I was struggling to think of an icon that is simple and not too passe, so the cross is as close as I got. So someone with some talent, put the southern cross in a logo! :D


plagiarism to the max. Steamfrog, you should give something a go with that sort of concept. I reckon the chain piece looks cool.
Steamfrogs one's are the nicest IMO. Needs a more up to date silhouette thought of a nice DH rig. The F on the Southern cross is also a nice touch. I'm not an arty computer whiz, so keep'em come'n guys!

This is my idea:

I like Wombats idea that it should resemble something Aussie and i like the idea of the southern cross and i came up with this. I was thinking of something that would resemble mountain biking to top it all off and came across raceface. I borrowed their idea of the chainring and incorporated it in. you can of course dress it up a little with better coloring with better programs then mighty ms paint to make it look more professional but i think simpler is better.

Isarasena 29 first you need to save you pic as a .jpg then upload it to the farkin album. once thats done get the url and enter it into your post as an image. when you go to the page where you type your post under the subject bar is a bunch of buttons, hit the img one then type your pics url then hit the img button again. easy. good luck.

EDIT: Hey admin, how do you delete pics from the album? Cos there's like three of these there when there really only needs to be one.
Not bad dude!

Ever considered designing for Aussie olympians?!

Damn, beaten to the punch.

.....and no, I like it!
Scott said:
a bit american perhaps.



Yep, that's the kind of thing I'd go for. As you said, maybe a bit yankee doodle dandee, but still, I like the idea of a logo.
MrPlow said:
Scott said:
a bit american perhaps.


Not a fan, don't know, seems like I have seen it before. SF wins!!
Hey Steamfrog, Can't do a remake of my "rotorburn" logo can you??

I think somethin along these lines would be the way to go, somethin thats definately mountain biking, but maybe put a more australian feel to it???
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