Farkinating Perth city: Saturday 3/4{Fuzzy's Birthday Ride}


Likes Dirt
Its time for another one fellas, so sign up one an all, tall and small, bring ye two wheeled beasts and come have another ace day.

We're going to meet outside alexander library, or in that small area. Better we wait there so we can ride and wait at the same time. Also saves the security having to approach of a gang of calm hooligans sitting around on bikes (us) so they can run away from two violent idiots having a fight.

We're meeting at 8am and we are NOT coming back for those that sleep in (out of choice or no). Give someone a sms and we'll probably run into each other anyway.

Where: Perth/East Perth/Wherever we find some juicy things to ride.
Meet @: Outside Alexander library, its across the bridge we ussually meet on, to the right of the end of it. Near the train station.... if that makes sense.
Meet @ 8am. We'll wait for 30 minutes or so, or probably have too much fun and be there for an hour :D
We'll go for subway at some point in time for lunch or general foodiness so bring some money.

Any cock ups to the bikes... we'll goto the fellas at extreme cycles and cry for help.

Hope thats all, post if your coming, and yell at me if i missed anything in the post and i'll change it.


logged out
I've edited your post to include WHAT CITY YOU'RE IN in the topic title... keep it in mind for future posts.


Likes Bikes
my bike is fucked, but nothing some stickytape cant fix! (well maybe not the shifter and cracked cranks.... oh well) im sure as hell comin along! see yall there!



It's my birthday!
Yarrr count me in boys :D. Gonna have to buy something for Liams birthday :p. Liam - if you pull out you are as good as dead, :lol:!


guess i have to come then huh?
see you at 8 boys
(ill be there at 7 30 :p )


Likes Dirt
Thanks Rik.

On the curtin ride... We might be catching the train on the armadale line to oats street traino. Then its like 20minutes ride at a steady pace to curtin and much much riding :D


Likes Bikes and Dirt
My mates g/friend is having her 21st on Friday night, I'll be hungover Saturday :cry:

Anyways when are youse going to Curtin?


Likes Bikes and Dirt
yes whens curtin on i can go to that one im not allowed to go to perth and bonus i dont have to catch the train either


Likes Dirt
haha mahoney That'll be two hungover bastards then :D I'll just try not to be death.

Rexy, if you have a mobile we could message you on saturday if we end up going to curtin.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
dont have a mobile how would you get from perth to curtin anyway?just a hold a ride at curtin its a big campus ive walked from one side of the other and it took me forever somebody set a date and place and stuff for curtin and if posssible to get there (which it will because ill make my parents take me)ill be there


Likes Dirt
We'd catch the train from perth (on the armadale line) to oats st train station. Then ride to curtin... It's about 20minutes ride or so from there only the bus route.
Its' still an uncertainity, chances are we'll be slack and spend all our time in perth/east perth/wherever we end up.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
i dont live in perth but id just like to sayHAPPY B'DAY FUZZYSAURUS<_-_-_- ive been calling every one sauruses today.


Likes Bikes and Dirt
lol is there going to be a separate curtin only or curtin and around curtin ride?


Likes Dirt
probably, matt and I are thinking of having it in the holidays sometime. So... yeh, some time soon. Would be worth the day trip as there is a good amount of food sources located close by to curtin too. :D


noticed me being a hardass mod?
thats cuz i cant come
:cry: sorry but my wheels aint ready


Likes Bikes and Dirt
ahh cools ill try and be along i know of a nice little cafe tucked away in a back alley there if i can find it ill show you it theres heaps of good food at curtin what happened to your wheels fuzzy?