fond memories


Likes Dirt
OK, I may be showing my age a little here, and this is in NO WAY a rant against the current trend in 20 riding.

I just think it is pretty funny looking at the current trend in riding. I have been out of it for a few years and have just decided to get back into it, but think it is rather funny how many things that I and a few others I used to ride with considered "old school" when we first started riding are coming back.

Things like the plastic seat, light frames etc. My first "decent" bike was one of the very first Easterns to come out, the Hercules. Now that thing was litterally a tank, but bullet proof.

This thread is just to see what most guys these days call "old school" compared to what s older riders called "old school". Now all the old hands, dont feel left out, add your feeling too, and what you would love to see come back that hasnt been around for years (eg, the 44tooth Haro Bash guard)

and also, does anyone remember the old Huffy TL88 that Todd Lyons added a frame bash guard to????

jonny the boy

Likes Dirt
gen 2 old school

i comfortably refer to myself as a second generation old school rider, i started on a race bike but then went to the almost 20kg park bikes when i got confident riding, that was about '98.. when we were running those motorbike chains and you had to get special freewheels just for it to work properly, peregrine phat jacks, no foam pits to huck into, those were the days... i remember lyons bike from and old ride u.s mag, i think a guy i used to ride with had a bashgaurd like that.. so ugly:eek: i dont think i could live with myself if bmx wasnt what it is today though...


Likes Dirt
only been riding for a couple of years but RAIL SEATS, theres a few around now,its almost getting phased out by pivatols and the fact that there are heaps of foam pits

steve r

Likes Dirt
skyway tuffs
beartrp pedals
plastic seats
layback seats
chopper bars

when i think old school all those things come to mind.


Eats Squid
Growing up in the country we only really could ride what was available from the local stores, so everyone rode Redline race bikes. RL340,440 and 540's were very popular.
At the time people were just putting V brakes on to replace cantilever brakes, which was a huge improvement in stopping power.
I remember in 1997 or 8 when two friends did an order from Danscomp, which involved faxes and talking over the phone at ridiculous hours of the day. I'm not sure if you could even buy stuff off the internet at that stage?!
They got a set of Slam bars each and an S&M race seat. Included in the order was a copy of the Danscomp catalogue, which at the time we'd only seen the few pages they had of it in bmx plus. There were companies in there that we didn't even know exist at the time. This opened up our minds to the large amount of product out there, but most of us were hyped to see more S&M.