Formula One world championship

Plow King

Little bit.
Awww yeaaaahhhh

That's all.

P.s - Who's going?

P.p.s - Hopefully using my connection in Vettels garage to gain some of dat paddock action.
I'm in and counting the minutes! We've got Gold Advantage tickets so we get a couple of nice bonuses like an actual pit lane walk (not the grid, the pitlane) and we can flog some champagne glasses from the paddock club.
What day would suit everyone for a catch up? What about sometime on the Saturday before qualifying we could meet at a bar behind the inside of turn 1? We could jump up and down on the pontoon and make arses of ourselves!
For what it's worth, I reckon Vettel will dominate this season more than the last. I want Alonso to win but that damn Red Bull racer is fast!
I buy the grandstand tickets the day they are released. That way you get your choice and getting them before a certain date grants you the Gold Advantage treatment. To top it off, I have five nights in the city for under $800 and our flights from Coffs Harbour to Melbourne with Sydney in between are under $600 for the two of us as well. It sure does pay off to get in early!
Wherever we meet will need to be an accessible for plebs............. The pontoon is looking the goods!
Rubens has admitted his only chance is Williams and he is up against Sutil and Senna. Thats some tough competition Rubens!
Sutil looks like hes going to be potentially spending up to a year in govt accommodation due to his glass tossing exploits so id say its between RB and BS. its a shame, as he was the best of that bunch.

hopefully they take BS. he did OK in the Lotus last year. but i suspect with Williams having lost AT&T its going to go to the highest bidder.
Yep, I agree. Senna may be the most complete package if Sutil goes to the big house. A shame.........
Ferrari have also said they would consider hiring Newey if he wen ton the free agents list. Who wouldn't!
Senna Confirmed at Williams. IMHO the right choice. lets hope it goes better than his Uncles stint there....
I hope Senna he hands Maldonado his arse, I don't like that guys style.
I think Bruno will do okay and hopefully score some points. It will be an uneasy feeling watching that yellow helmet go around in those colors...........
Rubens is testing an IRL car. Yuck. Go to Nascar Rubens! You'll at least be watched in more places than jus Tennessee.............
The new F1 car launches have begun with Caterham being the first. It looks good! The exhausts are well out of the way of blowing any sort of aero underneath the car and the nose is high so it may suggest the trend that the tech departments will be going. I'd love to see them score some points this year.
Barichello probably wont go NASCAR as he promised his wife he wouldnt race ovals a few years ago. whether the implication was for just open wheelers or tin tops who knows? speculation is hes looking at doing a road and circuit course only deal as there are only 4 ovals on this years series.

IRL is the logical choice and he can prob bring some credibility to the series. at the least its a good yard stick for the other racers in the series. Sportscars are in trouble with Pugs departure, unless he wants to go and join the other F1 Rejects in DTM.
Sutil convicted

Sutil looks like hes going to be potentially spending up to a year in govt accommodation due to his glass tossing exploits so id say its between RB and BS. its a shame, as he was the best of that bunch.

hopefully they take BS. he did OK in the Lotus last year. but i suspect with Williams having lost AT&T its going to go to the highest bidder.

$1/4 mill fine, ouch!!
I do too. When he rings the neck of a car he is a bloody demon. Here's hoping we have a big battle between the champions o days gone by.
For the Melbourne race, the schedule has been published on the F1 site but is still subject to change. As you know the Thursday is always limited for F1 action on track but the very first thing to announce to the world that F1 is on in Melbourne is............the two seater at 7.30am! Nice! I'll be there that early as I get a breakfast and a pitlane walk then some sessions talking to drivers in a group. Am I excited? You betcha.
The team formerly known as Renault is now Lotus. The team formerly known as Lotus is now Caterham.
The team formerly known as Renault is now Lotus. The team formerly known as Lotus is now Caterham.

makes sense now!!

so, are the previous Renault DRIVERS now driving Lotus car/engine?

and are the previous Lotus drivers now driving Lotus car with ???? engine
my knowledge of Caterham engines is that they build very high powered engines off other motors, (Rover K serise, Ford and Toyota blocks in the road cars etc)
Do Caterham/Lotus have a completely home derived engine?