Fox 40s Noise.

screw loose

Likes Dirt
I have a set of 40s on my bike (2006) and have noticed a 'click' in the stanchion for some time. . it happens with about 40% compression. . Logic has me believe that it's the spring hitting the stanchion during compression.

Has anyone else had this experience?

Is there anything I can do about it?

It's pretty annoying, and sounds like my bike's about to fall apart!

Will Fox do anything about it?:confused:
Good guess on the clicking. Seems to be fairly common. The standard spring has some coating on it which I expect is to reduce this noise.
I stretched a small piece of road tube over the spring & it fixed it.
Good luck

Cool, thanks bud.

Does the volatility of the rubber mixing with shock oil have any negative impact of which you are aware? I imagine the tube could dissolve over time?
Hey mate, this has been covered many, many times before. Do a search and you will find more then enough information on how to resolve the problem.

Put a condom over it. ;)
Dammit. . I didn't want to be that guy. . I did a search but couldn't retrieve anything. I'll have another crack.

It's okay mate. At least your not immature about it like most repeated threads.

'my forteez r makin a wird sound how do i fiks it???!'

I'll have a look for you.

*edit* I know this has been covered at least twice before, can't find a thing.

Anyway. It's just the spring hitting the stanchions. It's not a bad thing and doesn’t affect the performance at all, but it is very annoying. There’s a few ways to fix it, condom, tube, glad wrap etc. I think i remember reading you can buy special spray too.

They come pre wrapped in something now I beleive. I had 06 40's aswell which did the same thing.
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Ha oops. Nah I cut part of the post out by mistake. I meant to say, at least your not immature about it.
Ah. . Roger. Cheers. . funny I would have thought that $3000 forks wouldn't sound like you're riding an old filing cabinet. I'll get me some rubber.

and Howie? I don't know what I'd do without your help.
what to do:

1: take off all the preload on your spring side and screw off the cap.
2: Push down your staunchions and your spring should come up with 4 spacers.
3: Take off the spacers and put them somewhere clean.
4: giggle the spring up and down and make sure you dont notice any odd play where it connects to the plunger (other than side to side, like a spring would right?)
5: push it up and down slightly and make sure theres no weird sounds.
6: Yoink out your spring and make sure its straight.
7: Hold the spring in one hand and grab a hold of the rubber guard.
8: gently twist the spring and "screw" the guard into the middle of the spring or wherever you think the spring may be flexing and colliding with the staunchion.

9: reverse everything and reinstall spring.

also make sure your plunger is tight and theres no oil leaking from the bottom of the nut on the lowers.

easy as pie.
Mine made a clicking noise too.
And was screw related, if the crowns weren't tight enough, thats what happened - they clicked.
The recommended torque ratings were up to shit, if you happened to bottom out, the stanchions creeped through the crowns.
It could also be bar or stem related, they'd creek or click under about 40% travel/pressure.

(I never associated the spring noise as a click - thats a tapping/clanging/twanging noise)